Day 21 - The Streets of San Francisco

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February 25th 2011
Published: February 25th 2011
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So, three weeks on the road, and still going strong.

We left Pacific Grove this morning and headed up the Coast Highway again. I guess we're a little spoiled now, but this was still a pretty nice drive. We circled Monterey Bay up to Santa Cruz, and then headed up to Half Moon Bay. From there on the traffic increased a bit, but it was still not too bad as we drove right up the Highway 1 into San Francisco.

We drove over the Golden Gate Bridge just as it began to rain, and then wound up the steep road to the Marin Highlands for pictures. After that we doubled back to the city and checked in at our hotel. Anxious to stretch our legs, we walked up to the Fisherman's Wharf area and took in the sights and had something to eat.

Tomorrow it will be a boat ride to Alcatraz, and then a day using our one day Trans Passes to explore the city by bus, streetcar, and of course, cable-car.

Then Cathy and I must say our sad goodbyes for awhile, as I'll be dropping her off at the S.F. airport for the red eye back east. I can't believe our 8 days together in California are gone so soon.

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25th February 2011

Picking up Kathy
HI guys!! What a wonderfull trip you have had!!Can't wait to hear about it! Kathy, I'll come in the airport and pick you up tomorrow. Safe traveling to you both. Love, Amy
25th February 2011

Bringing Snow to the West
Tom: Heard on the local radio station that SF may get snow for the first time in some 30 years- is it because you miss it so much? Don't let anyone know you are from upstate NY but then again you can show them how to plow it. Sue is in Saratoga this weekend and they are getting a pretty good shot of the white stuff. # 3 son and his wife took off for Lake Placid- rough life. Hopefully your bride made it back east OK and you and your GPS companion can head back East, safely and with few breakdowns. Stay safe.

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