Day Nine

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June 20th 2007
Published: June 20th 2007
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Day 9

Wow, did Mandie ever get crispy crittered yesterday!

Mike had a run in with our drill. While taking the jack down, Mike discovered the button on the drill that holds it in the ON position. Much to Mike's dismay, even after he dropped the drill, it continued to run, causing him to say "Damnit, I'm not even touching it!" After a slight adjustment to the bit and some electrical tape, all is well.

For those of you traveling along with us at home, we'll end up today in Beaver, UT: high today, 91 degrees.

Wrong trail, lose 15 minutes.

Our campsite was on the road we needed to be one. Oops! Took a small tour of Idaho. Now
we’re on the right road.

Fruit & Nut Mix: Lots of fruit, few nuts. We call it California Mix: San Francisco Style

KOA Beaver. Really nice. 80 degree pool. Cable and WiFi! We're living large tonight!

We found the 5BB song online! Whoo hoo!


20th June 2007

Hope you enjoy the hot 91 degree Beaver! It's currently 66 degrees in Hundred right now (10am). Hope your having fun! Beth and Rob
21st June 2007

Having Fun?
Are you guys having fun yet? It sure sounds like it. Mom was sitting here about 10 minutes ago trying to figure this whole blog thing out. That was fun to watch. Also, Benji, Mom likes the fact that you had to listen to Christian Rock. She didn't tell me to put that, but I figured I would! Well, love you guys (you too, Mike!)
25th June 2007

June 24, 2007 Hey from Pa.
hi everyone. What a trip! Sure you are enjoying Tuscon and being mobilized for a few days. Can't wait to see all the pictures and hear all the stories. Gave your travel blog address to Shingles, Aunt Puff, and Carol. Everyone asked about your trip at all the graduation parties we went to this weekend. Mike, so glad it worked out that you could make the trip with Benji and Mandie. We were happy to see you and your parents. Probably see you at Christmas! Benji and Mandie have fun in Tuscon and have a safe trip home. Tell Adrianne we said "Hi". Love to all! Mom

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