late night entry

Published: May 12th 2013
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knoxville, knoxville, knoxville


and jack renfro apocalypto


spewing forth

mayor and hula hoops and friendly chatts

girls crying over balloons

and dancing

almost 2 am and can't sleep

what a day a night a year



what does one do when they cant sleep?


write poetry?

is this poetry

or just stream of thought is there a differrence?

keys slow me down need to get faster

or maybe it is best i go slower carefully creating each line each thought in a contrived manner

is life contrived?

is it make believe

what can i make you believe


believe it your self

i wish to tell you

tell me

same difference

what goes up must come down

all these

spinnin round

cant stop the time

from keep on rollin

on and on and on and on and

what goes up....

saw old friends new

saw new friends old

saw us spinning

creating new/old


just creating without new or old

in this time age place time

and smiles and children help me with their inquiries and smiles and books

and reading about names

what the name Karl means, etc

what is in a name???

look it up


like the child of earth

green grass made sodden by mud by rain

wet feet and polka dots

readings of pricklies

strange but wise book

as the one i know who is wise and old

new and ageless

must be many times we spent before

what do you know



what do you know


words spoken then lost



what you do

what you dont do

stays with someone else

hula hoop who invented?

words who invented

music who invented

yoga who invented

women who invented

chalk boards and rice and steam and air who invented

air pollution and raw sewage and roads and ghosts of caution melting volcanoes lava lamps and house

who invented


made up

as an idea and brought to life

bring arriving


karl marx

did you know him

i dont

just read about him in brief

who cares

why do i care that you might think me crazy mentioning karl marx a communist

what we called him today

the book tells me did he ever consider himself a communist


did jesus consider himself a christian

buddha buddhist?

so many things to unwind....

listen to the teachers and the the child of earth come forth

showing the way

what are we showing them

and what are they saying in return


do we trust

each other

or are we worried about our bags being taken

because we may lose

of course then we cant buy bread

need those coins to survive

have to work in order to survive

is that right wrong

how bout a plot of earth and some seeds for free

to live

is it satisfying

to grow to live

to eat

why money

for tasty contrived contrivance

like hot dogs and ice cream


on and on and on and on

sleep well😊 knoxville

sleep well

stop that




grateful for knox sauce on facebook

and the man who made it

thank you


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