The Long Wait

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June 24th 2009
Published: August 29th 2009
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South Seneca GraduationSouth Seneca GraduationSouth Seneca Graduation

Realized this is the last graduation speech that Bob will have to give in his long educational career before taking off into the sunset.
Bob /Sunny and Beautiful today
06/24/2009, Sackets Harbor, New York, USA

Between the junior-senior prom, awards banquets and end of the year stuff we've only been spending weekends on the boat. What this means is the installation of the new chart plotter and instruments is taking forever. However this past Sunday we turned on the new chart plotter and voilĂ  it works. (I amaze myself sometimes.)
That's the good news, the bad news is our transmission is shot and after two weeks I give up working on it and finally had the marina people take a look. They pulled it and send it off and now I'm waiting to hear back on how bad this is going to cost me.
Janice's last day of work is Friday, graduation is Saturday we have a few graduation parties to go to and by Sunday night we should be on the boat hopefully with the transmission in place (I'm not holding my breath for that one). If the boat is running we will sail up to Kingston and spend the week either east or west of Kingston depending on where the winds are. We haven't even had the boat out for a
Janice's retirementJanice's retirementJanice's retirement

Hard to believe that it was almost 25 years at Cornell for Janice, most of it in the Dept of Entomology - now on to the next phase of life preparing for our journey.
shakedown because the transmission problems started as soon as the boat was put in water. However it has given me time to take care of all the projects.
The new radio is hooked up and the remote on the helm is working. The stereo system is installed and working beautifully. The new instruments are connected except for the wind instrument and the radar. Chart plotter is installed in the new Nav-pod and is working.


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