A morning to remember

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September 11th 2013
Published: September 18th 2013
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On a September morning something terrible would occur, our country would be pierced in the heart taking many beautiful lives. At the time I was in my preschool class and I don't remember anything from that day, but my mom does. My mom was going to her work and when she entered the lunchroom there were many people watching the television. Some of the people watching was even crying during the tragedy. My mom was confused because the news was not detailed or clear to understand. The news created confusion with the whole event. After going home my mom turned on the television and every channel had better information about the situation and the cause of it. My mom's thoughts about the attack were very broad because she didn't realize the greater impact that created this attack. She thought of it as a small attack but didn't think of it as a big issue. My mom later realized how big of a deal it really was because of all the people that were killed on this horrible day. Now every year we look back to this day and see how America became stronger not how it was weakened.


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