Im in New Orleans... and now Im leaving...

Published: June 5th 2008
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So last time we left off I was just about to leave Missippi to go to transition. Well transition was a nice break because we had sweet rooms and big queen sized beds all to ourselves. It actually got somewhat boring because there was little to do.
Well with out project we were suppose to be finishing building our housing and then move in and then get started on working on rebuilding houses. Well it's been 5 weeks and it may be ready to move in on friday. The project as a whole was a bit of a letdown. We spent weeks doing stupid things around the community center instead of doing what felt liek real work. I have though been able to learn quite a few things, tiling being one of them. The last two weeks though my team was very lucky and was able to work with the nicest site supervisor Paul. (We have one named Randy who has a remedy and an asnwer to all question and tons of Marine Vietnam stories.) We have been working on this house and we have been able to do a lot of things and make some real progress, it has been so awesome. I got to install windows, mud and sand around them. Nail the trim around them. Do some pressure washing hang some stuff that I forgot what it was called but it goes under the ruff where you cans ee from the outside. I also today was able to lay flooring, it was those Pergo tiles wood stuff but it was a lot of fun. It just has been fantastic to see a house get work done to it, to watch my teammates spray paint over the water ring line in the middle of the house. My fingers hurt from banging them with the rubber mallet today and my side hurts from falling 7ft off a ladder yesterday but it has been an amazing week.
I am embarassed to admit how unaware I was at the state of New Orleans currently. I heard so much about the rebuilding I didn't realzie that it still wasn't enough. There are so many cruddy reasons that the city hasn't been rebuilt a lot of it is just cruddy politics... It just blows my mind sometimes it feels like you are driving in a ghost town with rows and rows of abandoned houses. Where we are not in close enough range to go to a grocerey store during our 1 hour lunch break. I wish I could do more sometimes.
Although obviously the nite life in New Orleans has been bigger and more commercial I really miss the laid back times in MiSSiSSiPPi. It has been great though to be able to experience New Orleans, and I even got to be on stage with Ludacris at one point!
But hey everyone guess what? IM MOVING AGAIN! My project actually isn't over yet. Im not sure if anyone remebers me talking about a Gulf Liasion Team? Well I made it... I know it probably makes no sense to you but really its a BIG deal. ANYONE in my program can appply, not just my campus even and there are only 8 positions. I am one of the GCRL (Gulf Community Relations Liasion) I am in charge of media and recruitment. So this does mean though that I will be away from my team for 8 weeks which is making me VERY nervous! Im just so close to them and it's gonna be hard. This also means my summer break is pushed back about a month but it just gives me and Nana more time to plan... I have yet to find out the exact days but I can't wait to spend all that time with Nana in NYC and DC!
I guess our housing is suppose to be a nice apartment and I am really excited to check it out... that will be tomorrow and I am so nervous about meeting the team! It will be a great opportunity and I am sure it will be so worthwhile... Im not sure yet where my team is going next, I will meet up with them for the end of the project so I am anxious to know what it is as well.
Other than that things have been great tjhanks to everyone who has sent me things I love them! I may need some extra love these next 8 weeks because I have a feeling it may get a little lonely. Oh I forgot to mention one of the coolest parts about this is although we will be based out of Hattiesburg, MS we will be traveling all around the Gulf all the time, I will try to update more because it should be a crazy 8 weeks.
When I get my new address I will elt you all know, oh and expect pictures too!



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