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November 4th 2012
Published: November 4th 2012
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1) In my opinion what is more important between the content of someone's words or they way they present it is the content. To me it's the content because I care about the truth and what that person is truly saying and the actions they are going to take not the way they present it for example, agressive, angry, etc. for example, in the presidential debate news reporters said that the first debate was won by Romney because he was more agressive but from my point of view that doesn't matter. It isn't the style or tone or mood or feeling they show to what they are saying but the content and truth about it.

2) In my opinion, much of the population goes for style and way of presentation. I know part of this because many of the people interviewed on behalf of the debate said things like Romney or Obama was better because of their style and way of presentation. I've also seen it happen in my own experience, so I think people are persuaded by style and not content.

4) I think a song that can be inspirational and it talks about pushing on with life and goals is "kick push" by Lupe Fiasco. It talks about struggles in life and how you have to push yourself in life to get to where you want to get. So, I think it's a song that would match perfectly alonside with "how far we've come."


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