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April 8th 2012
Published: April 9th 2012
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1. Describe the adventures of your Spring Break (MINIMUM of 8 sentences)

During my spring break I traveled to Rome,Italy and it was the best experience I have ever had because of all the history and beautiful sites I seen in Rome. I had to walk a lot but it was worth it since I got to see the Colosseum, Trevi Fountain,St. Peter’s Square,Florance (Italy),the catacombs, and many other sites. In the beginning I thought the sites of Rome were fake because you only see beautiful sites in pictures but when I was there I actually got to see that it's all really real. Besides looking at historical landmarks and learning history all spring break, i got to hang out with the students and the teachers that went. I never thought that the teachers were really nice and fun to hang out with especially Mr. Fitzgerald and Mr. Gay. Throughout the whole trip Mr. Fitzgerald and Mr. Gay tried to sell us things or bargains for euros but the bargains were actually fake. The money would just go to the gullible foundation which was just hilarious when students would still buy some bargains. I had a great time in Rome with all the students and teachers and I can not wait to travel again to Rome one day.

Q4 starts the day you return – what things are you most looking forward to in Q4?

What I am looking forward to in quarter four is getting to see my final grades because I have worked hard to get the grades I have so far. I just wish I can do more better because I have been slacking off this year more than all the other years. I hope that in this last quarter I will remain doing good and to try not to get any Cs so that it can look good in my high school transcript. I'm also looking forward to see how Ms. Held is going to teach us new material in history because she teaches in a way that is fun for the students to learn.

This will be your last opportunity to make an impression on the colleges you are about to attend – how do you want to end senior year academically?

I want to end senior year with just As and Bs on my report card because that to me is an average of what I have been doing academically in school since freshman year. The class that has been pushing me back was finance but now I'm getting used to Mr. Fitzgerald teaching and grading habits so I hope I can make it in that class. I will make sure to work hard so that I can reach my goals before my high school years is over.

How do you plan on doing this?

I plan to get only As and Bs on my report card by going to office hours when I need the help. Do all the homework even though the teachers might not check them. Not to go to sleep until ALL homework is completed and if I need to double check on a homework I can get help from students. Also to make sure I take advantage of the extra credit opportunities because that can help my grades get a boost to reach my goals. These plans will make sure to let me graduate with good grades.


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