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November 5th 2006
Published: November 5th 2006
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It is 6:30 AM and as usual due to the jet lag/time changes, I could not sleep so I thought I would get up and answer a few emails before packing. Thank you to all of you who I got to see and/or called while I was home. It is great to see friends and family. Sorry it was so short, but know it was greatly appreciated.

I check out the scales and I had lost 10 or so pounds, but after being here for the past few days, I think I put it back on...lol It was so good to eat a nice juicey (safe) steak and drink the water from the tap and have just a simple garden salad (I know that is not so safe right now, but it tasted so good!)

Well, I am going to sign off so I can get packed, but wanted to thank everyone.


6th November 2006

I'm sorry I missed you
I wish I could have worked out my schedule to see you. Both times you were having gatherings out I was unable to get out of prior obligations. Sigh. I hope you had a great trip and got home safely. Hopefully you'll be able to come back through Atlanta during the holidays or soon after and I'll get to see you then. What essentials did you bring back to Russia with you? (coolaid, vanilla extract, Crisco)
7th November 2006

Do Not Laugh
But you are so correct, CoolAid, Crisco, corn syrup, mattress pad, candy bars, candy thermometer (that TSA removed (based on the note they left me) - someone must have needed one at their home in the States), pastry blender, normal sugared cereal, etc. I will be back for just one day in late January when I come through for the cruise so I probably will not have time to meet anyone on that trip and I fly back directly from Miami to Moscow (with a stop in New York), but I will let you know once the time gets closer.
9th November 2006

Candy Thermometer
So should I send you a candy thermometer to replace the one the budding candy-maker at TSA pinched?
9th November 2006

Mom Is Sending Me One
I have a care package coming from Mom and she is planning on putting one of her extra ones in with it. I do not know why they took; I did not see anything on the website about it. I am guessing the idoit thought the alcohol in it was "hazardous" material, not knowing it was not mercury but alcohol. And I am suppose to feel safer with idoits like this trying to show their power by taking a thermometer, oh that saved the plane from going down!

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