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September 18th 2005
Published: September 21st 2005
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10 countries,
31 trains,
4 planes,
6 boats,
9 hotels,
3 friends’ homes,
6 night trains,
12 friends visited,
56 postcards sent,
6 days with a bit of rain,
18 travel blog entries,
1 Java presentation,
1 doctor,
7 types of medicine,
4 packs of tissues,
9 books (3 read completely, 6 partially read),
6 loads of laundry,
2 pounds less,
1 celebrity,
7 languages,
4 currencies,
and 31 days later. We’ve had the experience of our lives and are so glad that we were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to see so much of the world outside of our own country, form so many new friendships, and return back home safely to Melbourne, Florida and to a life that will soon be so totally different than anything we can possibly imagine!

Thank you for joining us on our journey!


21st September 2005

thanks for the memories :)
keri and keith (and baby-to-be) thanks for sharing your wonderful trip. it only took me thirty minutes to complete your month's travels :) glad you had such a good time (sorry you had to miss praha - we'll just have to go with marcela and show you one of our favorite cities in the world) and welcome home!
21st September 2005

Welcome Home
and now the "real" adventure of a lifetime begins!! Keri, Keith and Kiddo!! We love you all more than words can say!

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