Its official!!

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February 20th 2008
Published: February 20th 2008
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Well, im sure no one is reading this now but i figured it would be interesting to write about my trip before i actually leave. So, its official. Im going to be teaching in South Korea. I am pretty psched and a little nervous. I cant wait to do some traveling and to get so pages on my passport stamped. Now the 18hr plane ride has me a little freaked out but ive been assured they try to keep us entertained so we will see how that goes.

I will begin going through all my crap and boy do i own a lot of stuff. such a collector of STUFF. I have to decide on a storage unit for the stuff i just cant throw out. Then i get to look forward to an 18hr drive in my jeep-florida to ohio.woot woot! should be great times. did i mention 2 cats will be tagging along? lots of tranquilzers will be needed. for all of us. lol ive done that drive once before and it was the longest 18hrs of my life.

so, this is enough for now. i have 6 weeks or so and the countdown is on. if anyone is reading this, again, any advice would be great. Like what do i really need to bring? and what can i just buy there? that kind of thing. peace out my bitches. 😊


1st March 2008

Hello, Ladie
Well for one, You need to bring that great since of hummer with you!!! What ever you do DO NOT step back inside that little box Girl!!! I want you to spread those wing and not look back what so ever you got that. Oh, By the way I want to see lots of pisc with that camera Im giving you. Peace out sis ;P}

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