Were going 2 Miami!!

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April 29th 2008
Published: April 29th 2008
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Miami Day 1
We set off from the hostel and decided 2 head straight in2 Miami as it wasn't 2 far away. We got in2 Miami about mid afternoon... i say we got in2 Miami, but we spent 2 hours drivin round lookin 4 a parkin place... it was real frustratin, it was a sunday as well so alot of locals had drove 2 south beach 4 a spot of sunbathin. Our frustration was constantly been broken by the real beautiful women walkin about. We got a spot and walked 2 our hostel and checked in. The hostel from the reception had a real nice look, it had a bar, a pool table, internet. However we were then shown our room, which had no light in it. Which wasn't much fun when i shone my torch and saw a cockroach the size of a rat on the wall. And this was like the bruce willis of cockroaches as in 'die hard' i whacked it with my shoe and it just shrugged it off as if i lightly blew on it. It was a real monster, it scurried up behind some boards in which i forced it out. Not only was it bruce willis it was also the flash... it moved fast. It was soon hangin on the underside of the window frame i gave it another whack, but then it did some real bruce willis shit and rolled in2 the air vent in the window. I swear i heard it say yippee kayai motherfucker as it made its escape... the little bastard. Well we were here 4 2 nights. We went and got some grub and had a early night. I wish i had my double bed...

Miami Day 2
Got up this mornin and headed 4 a day on the beach. First thing i did was lay my towel on the beach and i was straight in that sea. The water was crystal and a decent temp, i spent a good deal of time in the sea and then collapsed on2 my towel 2 soak in the rays... big mistake. Man, Ben and myself got burnt (at present if u look at my back u would think i had leprosy as i am sheddin my skin like a snake). We retired back the hostel and could feel the burn creepin in. We bought some after sun but it was 2 late. Feelin very sore we headed out 2 get some food. The next day we would be headin 2 another hostel in Florida city. Right on the door step of everglades national park.

Miami seemed like a cool place, but night life wise we didn't really know where 2 go and most places we found played real crap dance music. The people there were real beautiful. It wasn't as good as will smith made it out 2 be.


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