Getting ready for my adventure

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March 7th 2006
Published: May 6th 2006
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T minus 7 days, and I'm off on my first solo travel adventure! I found this great program (InterExchange) that placed me with a nice family in Madrid. I'm going to live in their home for three months, teaching their children English in exchange for room and board.

I feel so excited and scared right now. I'm glad I committed to this adventure before I really thought it through! My Spanish is lousy. I'm on the introverted end of the spectrum, so I know I need to make a concerted effort to interact with people, and I know that will be a challenge with the language barrier. I guess I'm most afraid of linguistic isolation. Hopefully blogging will help me feel connected while I'm gone.

I just finished my PhD a few weeks ago, and when I return from Spain I'll be heading to the clinics to complete med school. I don't know when I'll have a chance to travel like this again. I really hope this trip punctuates the major changes in my life and in my personal development.


9th March 2006

You go girl
Michelle- You are going to have so much fun. Sounds like a great program, and I can't wait to read about your adventures. Don't worry- even if your Spanish is lousy, you'll be able to speak to other travellers in English (and French?). And after three months- you'll be able to hack out a conversation with the best of them! I'm so jealous. Anyways- have a great trip over and enjoy- you deserve it! Molly
9th March 2006

Spanish Flag?
Hey! Will the flag change into the Spanish flag when you head overseas? How do they do that?!
16th March 2006

Viva Espana!
I can't do the upside down exclamation but oh well. Your certainly soaking in the culture of Madrid by now. I hope you are having a good time and staying out of trouble :). Don't forget hang out on the Plaza Mayor downtown and watch the artists. Careful with the Gypsys, though. They will take your money in no time flat. Cheers and have fun. I will check back later for more bloggage.

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