11 p.m. in Burbank

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November 25th 2007
Published: November 25th 2007
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Maria's new vehicleMaria's new vehicleMaria's new vehicle

I'm sure some miles will be put on this in short order!
I am trying this blog on my own without Tianna - she knows it all and I think gets rather fed up with me calling "help"!!!
First of all I have to tell you about Friday - I went shopping on "BLACK FRIDAY" - that is the day that all the stores have incredible prices on everything - I guess the sales are so good - every store is "in the black" hence - Black Friday (I actually thought it was a derogatory term!!!!!) Anyway, David and Maria bought a new vehicle while Tianna and I checked out the Burbank Shopping Mall. Lots of people. We didn't get to Target or KMart or Walgrens - etc. where computers were $299, digital Cameras under $100, and nearly 50% off everything else. Everything I liked was in Macy's - and very expensive! So I broke down and bought Tianna a pretzel, and a juice smoothie!!!! That was the total of my purchases! But Maria and I did get to the pharmacy - like Shoppers and I bought the "wrinkle" stuff for my face at 1/2 the price at home.
I sure was happy with that bargain - what good it does, I don't
The cooks in the kitchenThe cooks in the kitchenThe cooks in the kitchen

With company for dinner again today - the cooks are at it again. The old one getting advice from the young one!
know!! But I'm afraid to stop using it because my face really might fall!!
This morning I awoke at 5:30 - and went to the window to look out on the world - today I saw an incredible sight. I saw what I thought was a massive cloud in the distance, which I though might be blowing in from the ocean. While I watched it became larger and larger and billowed out from the horizon. It was almost like a huge mushroom cloud. Otherwise the sky was clear as glass everywhere else in the pink of dawn. I found the binoculars (which I spend a lot of time peering through!) and once I looked closer - realized it was smoke.
It was amazing to see! The fire is off many miles in the distance - but from where we are - the sight is unbelievable! As of tonight about 49 homes have been burned in Malibu Canyon - and they are saying the fire was set!! I wish I had taken a photo first thing this morning. By late afternoon a perfectly beautiful, clear and 77 degree day had turned into one of haze - so you couldn't really see
The sky over BurbankThe sky over BurbankThe sky over Burbank

David took this early evening - the fire is still burning - but really can't be distinguished in the sunset. The sunrise and sunsets are great sights from every window of the house.
it well. This evening it had cleared a bit and David took this photo off the balcony - looking towards Malibu....we'll see what tomorrow brings.
We had a busy day - went to the market - where grapefruit are $2.25 a ten pound bag - and huge oranges $6 for 25 pounds! We got all fresh fruits - a pommello - (sort of like a big grapefruit), wonderful tomatoes, lettuce, etc. etc. David and Maria had company again tonight - friends Tara and Craig and children. Maria seems to spend half her life in the kitchen! Tara does voice work and is the "little voice" in just about every cartoon the children watch these days. She is great - and I must tell my friends - the wine experts - that I have found a "friend in wine" - Tara only drinks sweet white wine - just like me!!!!
All the family are in bed - I still don't have enough hours in the day - I have yet to read my new " People Magazine". Oh yes, Maria went by you know who's house and saw him kissing his girlfriend goodbye - Paparazzi or what!!!!!!! David is disgusted with
Spencer and his baseball lesson.Spencer and his baseball lesson.Spencer and his baseball lesson.

Spencer had an hour with a former L.A. Angels baseball player - and Spencer hit that ball like "Babe Ruth" - sorry that's the only baseball player that comes to mind - shows my age! He was amazing!
Tomorrow is Spencer's belated birthday party - and we are all going bowling.


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