Blogs from Sequoia National Park, California, United States, North America - page 2


Geo: 36.5077, -118.575It took us a little over a three hour drive to get to Buckeye Flat Campground at Sequoia National Park. Unfortunately, I had some sort of stomach bug so I was pretty nauseous this entire trip. I toughed it out anyway. Chris and I have this mantra as parents now, "We're always going to be tired." It's just our faces at this point. So we might as well enjoy life, travel and do what we dream of anyway because we're never not going to be tired and we're often going to be sick since our toddler is a little petri dish of germs. That being said, we chose to camp in the foothills of the park. What I didn't realize beforehand was that even though on a driving map the campground appears very close ... read more
Enjoying the Sunset View at Beetle Rock
Sunset View at Beetle Rock
Mama Bear and her Two Cubs

Jsem už postarší pán a spaní ve stanu není pro mě. Po dvou nocích ve stanu jsem měl bloklý záda a rýmu jako hrom. Na to, abych si hrál na zálesáka, jsem už asi trošičku starej. Do stanu mě pozbytek cesty už nikdo nedostane. Naše další destinace byla Sequoia National Park, kam jsme se jeli podívat na gigantické stromy –Sekvoje. Cesta z Yosemit k sekvojím byla dlouhá asi 190 mil (cca. 300 km) a velká část cesty byly serpentýny. Vyrazili jsme v 7 ráno a kemp ještě spal. Musím říct, že Američani kempujou ve velkým. Myslím, že nemám tolik nábytku ve svém bytě, kolik si ho berou s sebou do kempu. Grily, několik stanů obrovskou ohrádku pro děti, stoly, židle, cokoli vás napadne. Do Sekvojového parku jsme dojeli někdy po poledni. Sekvoje jsou impozantní stromy, půdorys ... read more
Sekvoj a nějaký pán
Tunel Skrz Sekvoj

C: So we left the bright lights and headed off to California. We wanted to go to Death Valley but I think we underestimated the distances a bit as we ended up driving nearly 500 miles in one day and doing DV the speed tourism way. It was very impressive, however, a massive basin of salt between mountains that looked like solid sand dunes. We were below sea level at one point And it was the hottest place we'd been to though still nowhere near the temperatures they get in summer. Unfortunately it was dark by the time we left so didn't see much of the scenic road out and got to our overnight stop, a seemingly very dull industrial city called Bakersfield very late. Thank God for 24hr Denny's and a really scruffy motel! The ... read more
Badwater Basin at Death Valley
Artists palate
Sunset at Badwater Basin

Leaving Yosemite, it should have been a fairly short 3 hour drive to King’s Canyon National Park, through which we planned to drive to get to Sequoia. Once we left Fresno however, it became obvious that it might take longer than we thought as we started to see signs informing us that access to King’s Canyon was shut due to wildfires. Stupidly, we decided to carry on – surely there would be a diversion, wouldn’t there? As it was, we ended up having to go quite the scenic route to get to Sequoia via its South entrance… but we made it, eventually. Driving into the national park, the road wound dramatically upwards and the trees were getting bigger, more colourful and more impressive. The sighting of a baby bear distracted me from my car sickness. He ... read more
Inside the tree
Moro Rock

King's Canyon and Sequoya National Park... read more
Das ist ein Sequoia
durch den Nationalpark

Hey there, Recently I have been thinking about starting up a blog - okay that's a lie, I've actually thought about it for awhile now - I just never had the libido to get going I guess until today. I am constantly seeing all of these inspiring travel blogs and photos online and have thought to myself why can't I do that? I'm not exactly the most well-seasoned traveler, but I have done my fair share so far. I'll start off my first post with some background information on how I got bitten by the travel bug. It kind of all started when I got my first job I guess, well it's what set the course for my future plans to travel in motion anyway. I had just graduated high school and went for a day ... read more

While Katie was finishing her tax work for the corporate deadline, I decided to escape to the mountains with my friends Andrew and Peter for some back country camping. The weather was amazing. The views were amazing. Overall a fantastic trip!... read more
The gang before heading out.
Hiking the trail.
Mineral King Pk. above Upper Monarch Lake

The Sierra Nevada Mountains is home to the WORLD’s largest trees – the Sequoia These majestic 3,000 year old giants only grow in specific micro climates between 5,000 and 7,000 feet elevation. Unlike other trees which taper at the top, the width of the Sequoia is almost the same at its top as it is at its massive base. Its branches look like twisted arms reaching out towards the world. They reminded us of the Ents in Lord of the Rings. Pioneering conservationist John Muir explored and named the Giant Forest. “When I entered this sublime wilderness the day was nearly done,” he observed, “the trees with rosy, glowing countenances seemed to be hushed and thoughtful, as if waiting in conscious religious dependence on the sun, and one naturally walked softly and ... read more
Winding Road
Wildlife is everywhere
Tunnel Rock

Having “done” Yosemite National Park our next stop was intended to be Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park. But logistic planning five months ago had us reserving RV camping in Visalia, CA. This city is in the middle of the San Joaquin valley – the heart of California agriculture. The camping spot was clean and comfortable – like all KOA camps but heat and haze had us yearning for the alpine. Next day we climbed 4000 feet to Kings and Sequoia Park for two nights of cool mountain air at 7,000+ feet elevation. In Kings Canyon Park we drove most of the way on the same-way-in-and-out Kings Canyon winding road, stopping short of the end because it was getting late. Richard admired the variety of geological formations in the canyon walls and Kayla had the camera ... read more
Grizzly Giant
Sequoia Bark Art
King's Canyon View

For the last three days we have been in Yosemite, Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Parks. We did a little hiking on Thursday way to hot for that. We have made up for the straight stretches of road though Kansas,Utah, and Nevada by days end. We may have seen all the curves that we want to see for a while. We are headed for the coast on Saturday after an early morning oil are a few pictures of the Large trees and a few curves.... read more

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