
North America » United States » Alaska
August 3rd 2008
Published: August 3rd 2008
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Flying north from San Francisco to Anchorage during the summer, one never encounters darkness. Until, that is, descending below a layer of rain clouds on approach to Anchorage at 11:30 pm. Even then, it's only dusky out. I would get used to this very quickly. After planning this trip since January, and contracting with Tim Stallard of Out in Alaska for his brand-new Katmai National Preserve and ... Read Full Entry

Photos are below
Photos: 41, Displayed: 21


Waiting at Brooks FallsWaiting at Brooks Falls
Waiting at Brooks Falls

This is only 1/3 of the bears that were fishing in the river when the photo was taken. Yes, there were 18 bears...
More bearsMore bears
More bears

What can I say, it's impossible not to watch these creatures for hours, and take hundreds of photos. I took nearly 500 in the week I was there.
Dumpling Mountain - 10pmDumpling Mountain - 10pm
Dumpling Mountain - 10pm

The long days mean plenty of time to enjoy the views. This photo was taken at "10 o'clock in the afternoon" as the sun was getting ready to set. The original shows great light and shadows.
Alpineglow - MidnightAlpineglow - Midnight
Alpineglow - Midnight

After the hike, taken just outside the campground at midnight as the sun actually prepares to set.
Morning Clouds BreakMorning Clouds Break
Morning Clouds Break

The warming sun breaks up the morning overcast near the Valley of 10,000 Smokes, site of the 1912 volcanic eruption.
Sandstone CliffsSandstone Cliffs
Sandstone Cliffs

In the ash field in the Valley of 10,000 Smokes.
Water Meets SandstoneWater Meets Sandstone
Water Meets Sandstone

A river flows into the valley formed by the sand stone. Note small human figure at left for scale.
Kayaking Past a BearKayaking Past a Bear
Kayaking Past a Bear

Kyle, a solo camper who joined us for kayaking on the lake, paddles past a bear on the shore.
Island LivingIsland Living
Island Living

A four-hour kayak paddle took us to this small island where we lunched and napped.

One of two wolves we saw paddling back.
Intrepid TravelersIntrepid Travelers
Intrepid Travelers

Juergen, a German spending a week on his own before his wife joined him, with Brian and Tim, during our paddle back to camp.
Saying Good-bye to the BearsSaying Good-bye to the Bears
Saying Good-bye to the Bears

The last visit, on Thursday morning.
Moose in AnchorageMoose in Anchorage
Moose in Anchorage

A healthy bull moose grazes on the side of a busy road in Anchorage.

Cousin Sherrill, who played hostess during my last few hours in Alaska.

4th August 2008

Wow! Wonderful stuff! Many thanks for putting all this together. Amazing...
4th August 2008

Uncle Dan what a sweet trip! I've always wanted to have just such an adventure. I'm leaving for Israel on Friday. Will be there for two weeks. Let's swap adventure stories on Charlie Day. Hope all's well, love you and miss you.
5th August 2008

Great blog and photos. Thanks for sharing.
6th August 2008

Very cool.
The bears at the waterfall are amazing.
28th August 2008

Too many bears
Bears make me nervous. Too many claws and teeth. Looks like a nice neighborhood, otherwise.
30th August 2008

oh my gosh! looks like an amazing trip. bears, as you may or may not know, are my favorite animal. i had never thought about going to alaska, but from the photos it looks absolutely beautiful.
8th March 2009

We loved Alaska too!
Hi Dan! Loved your Alaska pics and commentary. I remember Anchorage and the train to Seward fondly. Tom and I were there for my last "Shirtsleeves" in '95. We also spent the entire train ride hanging out between the cars...except for the trips to the barcar for Bloodies. We hope to go back someday, it was awesome. hugs, Laurie

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