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North America » Mexico
October 20th 2005
Published: October 21st 2005
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Shot from the town of Yelapa onto their main beach, stolen from Jordan´s blog because I didn´t bring my camera that day!
Well we had a great visity to Yelapa! Yelapa is south of Puerto Vallarta and is water access only. It´s a really nice little beach/mountainside town. There´s a big sand bar where the water taxi took us, with your typical mexican beach right there containing palapa´s and all that stuff. There was a little ferry that took people over to the other side of the sand bar. When the tide is high you have to kind of walk or swim (walking for me) over to the other side where the mountainside town begins. There was a guy ferrying people on this little raft he pushed for five pesos... but we just walked. He yelled at us that fish would bite us etc. but we didn´t really fall for that. You walk up these cobblestone walkways up and up into the jungle where there is a cool little waterfall and a restaurant overlooking it. We had a refreshing swim while the locals swam their lizards in the pool! Lots of women doing laundry in the river on the walk up, horse crap everywhere as well. Had a great time frightening Jordan from all the enormous spiders, they were in fact quite big. We figured they weren´t poisonous since locals let them web all up and around their houses. We walked back down and explored the town, we bought some amazing homeade pie on the beach... I had lemon meringue unlike anything i´ve ever tasted, the had coconut, pecan, chocolate etc. We want to go on a mission for the recipes (mom you would have loved these pies... soooo good). Anyways, we took Chantel´s SUV back to Sayulita and we´ll be leaving Friday for Mexico City and then onto Oxaca! No idea where i´ll post next but it will be somewhere!

I´ll also try to add pictures later for Guadalajara and Yelapa!


22nd October 2005

Travel Safely/ Drink cold beer
Helo Boys: Sounds like the journey has already been full of adventure. If you are going to Mexico City the Pyramids at Teotihuachan(sp) are well worth the time spent to get there. It is about an hour NE outside of downtown but there are hotels around the complex and there was a campsite right there as well so check it out at sunset and visulise human sacrifice. As for Oaxaca, it is also a very cool city with a fabulous zocalo. There is a great, colonial hotel right on the zocalo that wasn't real expensive but there is also a real good campsite in Oaxaca within walking distance of just about everything. It was a little tougher to find but well worth the effort. Again, check out the zocalo after dark for great entertainment. --Adios amigo's

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