Blogs from Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, North America - page 18


North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Guadalajara December 29th 2006

OK, so we left off at Christmas night. The next day I had planned to hit Tonola and Tlaquepaque but we were offered a ride to Lake Chapala by Danny from Mexico City (here they just say I´m from Mexico and it´s assumed that they mean Mexico City or DF) After I went to the bus station agani to look for my journal (no dice) and bought a shirt and a belt from various street vendors, I returned to the hostel. Then, a few of us... Paulina, Wendy, this guy Martin who was from somewhere in Europe.... I forget. Gah! Anyway... hopped in the mid 90´s ¨VW golf and raced on down to Chapala. There is a town, Ajijic that is also on the lake, but it was further away, so we went to Chapala. It ... read more

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Guadalajara December 28th 2006

Merry christmas! (finally!) I realize this blog comes very late, and I apologize. I hope everyone's christmas was SUPER amazing, as christmas should be. I had a really rocking christmas, and have been througharly (have no idea how to spell that. My english spelling is getting worse, if possible) enjoying my insane amount of vacation time. Vacation started for me about Thursday the 14th , when I went to Guadalajara. Went out with some friends that weekend, did a little christmas shopping (Which I ADORE!), hung out. Then my friend, another X-student from Canada, came over on Sunday and stayed at my house, until we went back to Puerto Vallarta on Tuesday. So unfourtunatly Rosemary(my friend) comes the only week we've had with clouds in the last two months, so we didn't get a chance to ... read more
Pretty park view

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Guadalajara December 27th 2006

I am way behind on keeping track of my trip. I feel bad, and am headed out very soon, but needless to say I am having a FANTASTIC TIME and I have met so many wonderful people. I am going to cabañas, a museum, with Wendy today. She is probablty going to come to Puerto with me for the new year! this keyboard doesn´t make smileys, but I´m smiling. I´m alive! finally!... read more

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Guadalajara December 26th 2006

Christmas day was one for laying low. we didn´t do much, made some eggs for breakfast, cleaned up from the party, looked aroudn for our stuff. etc. I went to the internet cafe to upload pictures and spent about an hour at making a slideshow. then the internet went down and i lost it all. boo. i left without paying. i don´t feel bad about it. i´ll probably go back there later and give it another shot, but it´s so frustrating to have something like that happen. wendy, paulina, and i went to el parque de los morelos just to sit out in the sun and it was really nice. we sat and talked about relationships, pregnancies, kids, travels. later we went to get chinese food and it wasn´t very good. by this time i ... read more

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Guadalajara December 25th 2006

Last nights party was incredible. We had tacos and tostadas (pile stuff on top of a big circular chip... fried corn tortilla) and pasta with tuna and beef stew and cervesa and tequila and we danced a LOT and we had the pinata which was so much fun and i will have to go somewhere else because the hostel computer doesn´t recognize my fujifilm photo chip reader. :( all of us were away from our families for christmas and felt a little bad, because we agreed that usually we spend christmas with family, but with some effort we made our own family and had a wonderful time. Of course, I have a million pictures. There is an internet cafe a block away and I will have to see if it´s open. Last night I went to ... read more

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Guadalajara December 25th 2006

the christmas spirit here is much less IN YOUR FACE than in america. if you go to major plazas, there will be a couple scattered stands where you can take a picture with santa. some stores have handwritten signs that mention navidad (christmas) but in the US it´s all out christmas since thanksgiving and sometimes before. it has been nice to not have to think about christmas a whole lot. this is also odd as its´a very catholic country. you´d think christmas would be more important. but it´s not thought of as so much of a shopping holiday as a reunite with family, reaffirm belief systems, and just take a day off to celebrate kind of thing. this pleases me. christmas in the states is a little intense. ´con permiso, quisiera ver a facebook y myspace ... read more

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Guadalajara December 24th 2006

So... after returning from Tequila town, we rested a while and played cuban dominoes. This is an easy game to play, but I won´t take the time to describe it now. Needless to say, it was lots of fun. Living in this hostel is undescribably awesome. I will hate to leave. The mixes of languages and cultures is blended perfectly by a game of cuban dominoes. A german girl named paulina arrived in the morning from Puerto Escondido and she was too tired for Tequila, but not to go out later. A hair braider from Florida named Stacia also showed up. We decided to go out at night to a reggae bar called Jambe which was very african themed. They played reggae and it was a crowd of mexicans for the most part, though we did ... read more

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Guadalajara December 23rd 2006

When I got to Guadalajara, I was greeted at the arrival gate by a horde of people, many of them young women, who screamed and whistled at me. I smiled and winked and received still more screams. (I could get used to this). Then the guy behind me showed me up because he was dressed like a Medieval English King. Damn... I asked a couple people about buses and was told they all went where I wanted to go. Then I bought postcards I could´ve easily stolen, and went outside to look for a bus. All the taxis here are mid'90´s Nissan Sentras. The bus cost 5 pesos (50 cents) and was reasonably comfortable for the price. Eventually (after like 45 minutes of driving through shatntytowns and the like it looked like we were getting close ... read more

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Guadalajara December 23rd 2006

When I got to Guadalajara, I was greeted at the arrival gate by a horde of people, many of them young women, who screamed and whistled at me. I smiled and winked and received still more screams. (I could get used to this). Then the guy behind me showed me up because he was dressed like a Medieval English King. Damn... I asked a couple people about buses and was told they all went where I wanted to go. Then I bought postcards I could´ve easily stolen, and went outside to look for a bus. All the taxis here are mid'90´s Nissan Sentras. The bus cost 5 pesos (50 cents) and was reasonably comfortable for the price. Eventually (after like 45 minutes of driving through shatntytowns and the like it looked like we were getting close ... read more

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Guadalajara December 8th 2006

Day 7 Villa Corona, trailer park Chimulco and the hotsprings Highlights: hotsprings; Lake Chapala; molcajetes We woke up to a cool but beautiful morning and the tradition is, before breakfast you head to the hotsprings, so we went, no need to convince us. I was a little worried about the temperature as l like my waters to be bathtub temperature especially when the outdoor temp is still very chilly but after I poked my toes into the water to let Carlo know it was actually really really warm, we were in the pool within a sec. The hotsprings are part of a big water park but instead of just tab water in all the pools, waterslides, tube rivers, etc the park uses the underground hotsprings for the water, how fantastic is that. Plus the hotsprings are ... read more
Hotsprings 2
Hotsprings 3
yukon 6

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