This 'n That

Published: June 20th 2011
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So... tired... I was rudely woken this morning by what sounded like cannon fire. Well, I imagine it was just fireworks but I would think I would have heard the crackling sound after the deep boom if that was the case. Wonder what it was...

After breakfast, I found myself in the lead, as my housemate decided to make me lead for a change. Great. So we headed off on what I knew for sure was the route we take until we came to a fork in the road; Straight or left? Well, he wouldn't tell me. Great choice pal...

So I took a left and found myself taking a nice scenic route to the HQ, bumping into another pair that were just leaving their place. Guess I was off by a mile (from home we pretty much just had to head straight west, but since J didn't tell me anything, I went left when I should have gone straight. So I was several blocks south before I headed in a western direction again).

At the HQ, we debriefed about our visit to Monte Sion, which I couldn't really contribute anything to because I spent the entire visit trying not to cry due to whatever it was in the air that was irritating my eyes. About halfway through, the debrief became hard to focus on as there was working being done on the roof and so the room was starting to smell like something burning. Light headed...

After the debriefing, we were told about the three projects that were set up by the organization K and G were in discussion with. The choices were: Working on a garden on the set of stairs that were going up to one of the churches, cleaning up one of the parks, and working at the Mayan Medicine Museum. Decisions... decisions... for me it was a toss up between the garden or the Mayan Medicine Museum.

Anyhow, everyone seems to be in pretty good shape right now except for S1 who has to pay a doctor a visit, with one of the HQ workers in tow (in case there's something the doctor can't explain in English). She's not as bad as she has been for a while (apparently though, she was so sick last night she just wanted to be put out of her misery) so it'd be nice that she is almost out of the woods. I'd hate to have to spend as many days as she had sick in another country on what should have been an amazing, educational trip.

Kedi, signing out.



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