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May 7th 2009
Published: May 8th 2009
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Martin and his birthday present
On Thursday we had an Australian couple from Melbourne come and stay with us because the Dion’s are part of this world wide group called couch surfing. It was good being able to speak Australian English and speak fast. Then on Saturday after lunch we went into Montreal. In Montreal we went shopping for a couple of hours in the masses of people. Then for dinner we went to this famous Montreal restaurant called Charcuterie Hebraique. It is 80 years old and they have kept everything inside and outside the same as it was 80 years ago and also all the waiters are old because they have been working there for 40 years or so. Lots of famous people have been to this restaurant like Celine Dion and Obama and more. We had the meat sandwich with chips it was surprisingly good. It took about 2 minutes for us to have our dinner served and we were all crammed in because the restaurant was packed like always. After dinner we went to the bagel shop where you can see the bagels being made. It smelt really good. We then drove up to a look out and waited for it to get dark so I could see the city at night. The city was beautiful.

Last night for Raphaelle’s early birthday present just Raphaelle and I went and saw circus Soleil ‘OVO’ it was amazing I loved it.

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The street we went shopping in
My dinner My dinner
My dinner

This from a really famous shop that is 80 years old lots of celebrities go there. It is famous for its meat sandwiches which is what I had. It tastes better than it looks don’t worry.
The line to get into the restaurant The line to get into the restaurant
The line to get into the restaurant

This is us lining up to get into the restaurant that sells meat sandwhichs

Us walking up to the lookout where we can see all of Montreal city.

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