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May 18th 2009
Published: May 18th 2009
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On Friday night I went to a birthday party. It was a lot of fun.
Then on Saturday morning we got up early to go to Ottawa. On the way we stopped at a park called omega park. It is an animal park where lots of native animals live. You drive in your car and all the Deer’s and other animals come up to your car and stick their heads in the windows. We fed them carrots. It was a lot of fun. They were all slobbering all over us and they kept trying to lick us.
In the park there was bears, buffalos, wapitis, red deer’s, wolves, wild boars, beavers and more. Some of the animals like the bears were behind fences but we still got a really good look at them. The only bad thing was it was raining but it was still okay because we were in the car anyway.
After we finished in the park we drove onto Ottawa. In Ottawa we just walked around some shops for a while because it was a bit wet outside to do anything else. Then we headed out of the city to some of the Dions friends house. We stayed one night with them. They were really nice and they spoke German, French, English and Spanish.
The next day it was really cold and windy so mid morning we headed back into Ottawa and went for a walk along the cannel. It was really nice and green.
We then went to the parliament building and walked around all the massive buildings and got a good view of the city.

We walked the streets for a bit longer and stopped at got a beaver tail. A beaver tail is like a pastry ( in the shape of a beaver tail ) they cook fresh for you and they put chocolate or cinnamon or anything on it and you eat it hot. It was sooo good! We then slowly made our way back to the circus tent where we had to line up to get into to see a Chinese circus. The Chinese circus was pretty good and entertaining. It went for about an hour and a half. After it finished we went and had dinner and headed home.
We have today and tomorrow off from school so tomorrow we are going to go shopping with friends. It should be fun!

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A beaver houseA beaver house
A beaver house

This is where the beavers live in the park. We didnt see any but this is there house.

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