Prep time in Canada, eh?

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January 16th 2005
Published: January 16th 2005
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Last Supper in the western hemisphereLast Supper in the western hemisphereLast Supper in the western hemisphere

Brett and a bunch of canucks at graham's brother's house
Graham and I have been in the Vancouver area for a few days now, visiting some of his friends and family and taking care of some final preparations. It's not quite the same as Texas weather--currently snowing.

We've got rupies, rubbles, and yen in our pockets and plane tickets to Delhi via Moscow for tomorrow morning. It will be 12 hours straight of flying, a 7 hour layover in Moscow, and then on to Delhi, getting us there around midnight. It should be an interesting time of day to find our way to our hostel.

We'd love to hear about all the updates of our friends and families. Email us, and subscribe to this travelblog so you can know whenever we update it.

Hope you enjoy. And I hope I can pry Graham away from his Canuck tomorrow morning.
Wish me luck on that. That's the only thing I'm worried about.

"If God be for us, who can be against us?" If He be with us, the wayside is a sanctuary, and the desert a resting-place peopled with living witnesses of the fact that "God is Love."


16th January 2005

Bon voyage
Brett and Graham, You were in my thoughts this morning as I awoke. What an incredible journey in which you two are embarking. I anxiously await your updates and pictures. God speed to you. Be safe. - Missy Warren
16th January 2005

Have fun!!!
Brett, I hope you have a great time on your trip. I can't wait to hear more about it during JL this summer!! - Hayden
17th January 2005

Have Fun
Hope you guys have a blast. if you can find some time to surf for me. thats a good picture of us on your home page. fun times and be safe. ~Rob - Rob Waller
18th January 2005

yo boys! live it up and have a great time. keep your wits about you and your mind wide open. graham, i've been meaning to call you for about 6 months now. i apologize for being a little slow on the draw. it'll happen when you get back. - jessticles
19th January 2005

toilet pix!
hey boys... so you're offcially off! congrats you lucky ducks! i look forward to reading your adventures... and was thinking... since you're traveling to such a variety of places, you should take pictures of the toilets in each country. one can be amazed at how different they can be! i'm thinkin' about you guys. enjoy! ;) - blamey
21st February 2005

great pics!
Having fun getting your updates and pics! Sounds like the trip of a lifetime! Live it up! - Kate

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