Flames game!!

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April 5th 2006
Published: April 19th 2006
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Europe goes crazy about soccer, Canada however is more into HOCKEY! As mentioned before, I must admit I can't help loving that sport either.. So after a Dino's and a Hitmen game it was time for the real thing.. The Flames!!! As the third largest city in Canada (after Montreal and Toronto), Calgary ofcourse must have a decent hockey team, and they do, the Calgary Flames are doing pretty good, 3rd in their league at the moment. Therefore, one of the things I had to do before leaving Calgary was to visit the Flames. During a group meeting Norbert, another Dutch guy mentioned they had bought tickets online for a game the next day, and there might be some left. Although the ordering was challenging 😉 (you had to fill in all the information within 3 minutes, otherwise you had to start over again), we managed to get some more tickets, jippieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Eventually we went with a pretty large group of people, which made it even more fun 😊. Of course we poor students ordered the cheapest tickets available, but actually the seats weren't that bad. And then the game... Wow.. They really make a show out of it. It's just a pity that it's pretty commercial, sometimes they have to stop the game for some commercials or some stupid (at least in my opinion) sponsored games. But again, the show is great. However, as Mat's friend Robert mentioned, and he is right, the atmosphere is not the same as at soccer games. The fans don't sing songs (the best they can do is : go Flames, go!), there's a lot less emotion in the audience. So I still prefer soccer, I'm sorry, although hockey would make a great 2nd. Another funny difference: at soccer games the players are not very physical, but the fans tend to fight every once in a while. At hockey it's the other way around, the fans don't fight, but the players are a lot less friendly on the field and some serious hits are not rare. However, I guess that's just part of the game, cause there never seem to be really bad fights or so.


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