Blogs from Middle East - page 885


Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Bodrum June 30th 2008

So, we are back from our aegean cruise through the Greek islands! To highlight, we went to Mykonos, Kos, Syros, Paros, Kalymnos, and Bodrum in Turkey. It was a budget cruise put on by the budget airline company; easyjet. And it was worth every penny. Booking ahead, for two people, getting your own room with a bathroom and everything, it was about 112 pounds, or 224 dollars. That's about 112 dollars per person. Which if you think about it, is less than the price of accomodation for 6 nights most of the time. So it was a bargain. Food is not included, but it's actually not that expensive aboard, and the good thing about the cruise, is that it sails in the early morning, and you get to spend all day, and most of the night, ... read more

Middle East » Syria » North » Aleppo June 29th 2008

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul June 29th 2008

I guess this is my first day in Istanbul and I am still at the hostel. Luckily I have met a Turkish girl from Izmir staying here at the hostel who wants to get a flat somewhere in Besiktas and is looking for a flatmate. Right now she is happy at the hostel but next week we are going to look at the real estate agents in Besiktas. If that doesn’t work I will just have to find something else. Two days ago now I had something of an adventure trying to find the Kurdish Language Institute but even more of an adventure once I got there. I hopped the tram up the hill to near the institute but once I was there I got all turned around by the street names. Unfortunately I was in ... read more

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai June 29th 2008

What a clever boy I have. Just look at the yummy meal that he cooked for us last night!... read more

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem June 29th 2008

Hi Everyone! I'm sorry I have not been able to update the blog yet. This is literally my first time sitting down at a computer since I have arrived. I won't have time to write a full entry until tonight, however, I wanted to say a quick hello. My experience in Israel thus far has been truly life changing. This place is more beautiful than I could have ever imagined and so rich in colorful history. I can't wait to share more with you, but for now, I just wanted to let you know that I am healthy, happy, and safe. I miss and love you all very much. ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Mediterranean » Side June 28th 2008

Turkey has its own flair! The trip to Side was mainly about lying on the beach and enjoying the food, which was not really enjoyable I must say. That's what you get from All Inclusive, I guess. Anyway the beach was nice and it was really really hot. You can take "buses" to visit some ruins near the old town. What I remember the most are the little local shops, which try to sell their own products, clothes, bags or shoes. If you want to go to Side, I recommend you to take a Hotel from a higher categorie and with good food, I'm sure it is a great and relaxing way to spent your holidays and if you're interested in the local culture you can make go sightseeing around the city.... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Gallipoli June 28th 2008

Well! We have been ahvıng an awesome tıme here ın Europe! Mıcaela has been keepıng a diary of everywhere and everything we have been doing and will post it when she has time to type for hours on end. So most likely back home. Anyway! We entered Turkey today after spendıng some tıme ın Greece on the Island of Corfu and then Athens. Corfu was amazıng and we traveled around ın style on a Quad. Lots of fun. The last two nıghts were at tow lovely campsıtes wıth lots of good food and fun to be had. Turkey ıs lovely so far. Kında. Turkey ıtself ıs splendıd but we all got stuck at the border for nearly 4 hours when our drıver was told his visa was not the correct one and that he was not ... read more

Middle East » Iraq » West » Al Asad Airbase June 28th 2008

Today I left for my trip to Baghdad. The way you travel in theater is quite different than you will travel in the way you would travel in the US. It is a long ever-changing process. You cannot make travel reservations more than 4 days before your intended trip, but not less than 3 days before you plan to leave. Then in order to catch your flight you have to arrive at the airport three hours before your flight. I like to be early but there is nothing to see or do in a military passenger terminal - you would think you would at least have a Starbucks. I waited my requisite three hours and got on a C130 to head to Baghdad. A C130 is a 4 engine propeller plane that holds about 75 soldiers. ... read more

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai June 28th 2008

Well its the night before the flight to India so we thought we had better add some photos of our stay in Dubai, its been very hot the whole time thank goodness for air conditioning though we know this wont be the case everywhere. The beach was amazing with the water very very warm. The malls and the hotels are out of this world, as are the souks the gold souk was really good though henry didnt enjoy them when i told him i could spend all our trip money there, I was good didn't buy a thing though we did buy 2 new cameras in one of the millions of electrical stores, one underwater one which will be cool for surfing, not that there is any here hahaha poor henry. we have been sledging in ... read more
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Photo 4

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai June 28th 2008

When I mentioned to my mother-in-law that I thought Dubai was like Las Vegas, she laughed and said, ‘More like Las Vegas on hormones!’ It was time to find out for myself. Here’s what I discovered on my trip last week... Barat the Builder Dubai is still being built. A quarter of the world’s cranes are in Dubai and construction is absolutely everywhere. This means road directions are rendered useless and it’s all too easy to find yourself going the wrong way up a one-way street because the No Entry sign is hidden behind hoardings. Everywhere you go there are signs apologising for the inconvenience, which led me to think that one cover-all sign at the airport, warning visitors that they’re entering a construction site, might be a good idea. The Toddler, nevertheless, will love the ... read more
Taking on the dunes
View from the top of our apartment
Shopping in the Gold Souk

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