Visa Services Dubai - 14 days Visit Visa to Dubai

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January 12th 2016
Published: January 12th 2016
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Travelling to Dubai is not as simple as it seems to be. There is a lot of paper work involved and they at all times need to be in order. Otherwise, one may face adverse conditions. Even though one’s stay might not be for a longer duration, there is a certain code of conduct which has to be followed.

The visa business is always tricky be it either for any duration. There are primarily two kinds of Dubai visa for tourists. First one is the 14 Days Dubai Visa while the other is a little longer 30 day visa.

The 14-day visa is for a short period of time and only for single entry purposes. Under usual circumstances, this category of visas cannot be extended. Moreover, the validity i.e. the duration of the 14 days begins immediately from the time of issue of the visa.

There are certain documents that are required by the authorities for the processing purposes. One must have the following ready while applying for the 14 Days Dubai Visa:

• Passport for verification along with its multiple copies.
• The return ticket in original along with its copies.
• Letter of an invite from the host company/institution/organization or individual.
• Passport sized photographs.
• Visa charges in the required format.

In addition to these, the visa application form must be filled properly along with signatures made wherever required.

Financial record

Financial records are required for verification purposes. It is advisable to read the form and the printed instructions properly and carry the said documents. Also, there is no harm in carrying additional proofs and it just might turn out to be beneficial. Bank statement is only required if you do not have a letter of invite from the resident of Dubai.

Post submission

One can track the status of their application using a certain key which will be provided by the visa authority. In case of any problems one must contact the visa authority at the earliest.

One must understand that Dubai is a different country from one’s own and so are the local people, their customs, rules, regulations, et cetera. There are certain do’s and don’ts that one must follow as a matter of prescription.

Respect and be cordial

One must make attempts to understand the local customs. This can be achieved by first recognizing the differences between the self and the local. For instance, alcohol consumption in Dubai is only allowed by Non-Muslims in licensed restaurants, private venues, homes, et cetera. So, one must be careful in the manner of conduction and respectful towards others.

Social ethics

When in a foreign land, one just has the power of social relations to rely upon. The way on behaves and dresses has quite a bit of importance. Sometimes, locals go beyond their usually way and help out a foreigner in distress just going by the mannerisms of the foreigner.

Moreover, one must be extra cautious when in any different country for that matter. It is a strange land, and one is in more than one ways dependent on being self-aware. Dubai is particular about its Islamic practices though people are tolerant in many ways. One must try and accommodate the self, being mild and humble helps a lot.


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