Blogs from Canakkale, Marmara, Turkey, Middle East - page 6


Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Canakkale January 22nd 2008

December 15 - 17, 2006 Friday We pulled into Cannakale after dark and with not much of a clue as to where we would be staying for the night. The bus from Selcuk dropped us at Cumhuriyet Meydani, an open square between the ferry docks at the end of the main street of Cumhuriyet Boulevard, a corridor of busy shops, hotels and restaurants with a narrow park running down the center of the avenue. We dropped our bags on the sidewalk and took turns popping in and out of the nearby hotels, ultimately settling on the neat Canak Hotel. Saturday Cannakale has become the main jumping off point for tours of Gallipoli battlefields across the strait from the city of 60,000. At Gallipoli the strait narrows creating a bottleneck between Istanbul and the open waters of ... read more
The Trojan Cotton Candy Horse of Cannakale
ANZAC Cove, Gallipoli
The Layering of Settlements at Troy Through the Ages are Evident Everywhere

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Canakkale October 28th 2007

Our room at Anzac house hostel has no windows and therefore no daylight to wake us up naturally. We slept till around eleven when I got restless and checked the time. A room with no windows is a dangerous thing when you are constantly tired as we are. Yesterday we had both agreed that going to Gallipoli was too expensive considering our lack of interest in it. We were both vaguely interested until we read that the majority of the trip consists of visiting cemeteries which for £22 each did not seem worth it. We had both agreed to look at tour agencies whilst walking around to see if we could find anything cheaper. We couldn't and we weren't entirely disappointed. The plan for today was to get a dolmus out to Troy; however we were ... read more
Republic Day Celebration
Balloons And Bunting

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Canakkale October 27th 2007

Another lovely little stop over. The bus ride was 7hrs but I was so tired I napped all the way so didn’t really get to check out the countryside. I booked a room at Anzac House and asked a young man in a book store for directions. He called Anzac and told me how to get there (turned out to be 20m up from the harhour). I found my hostel, dumped my bags, then went for a little explore and happened by the bookstore again so went in to say hi. Resat is 24 and lovely. We had a cup of tea in the store then he invited me for dinner so we went to his local restaurant. It's a bit of a challenge sometimes with the language but I love these challenges, that's probably why ... read more
Where they were supposed to land
Where they landed
In the trenches

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Canakkale October 27th 2007

The guys who worked at Paris Hotel wrote down the numbers of two buses that went to the main bus station which is actually pretty far from the centre. We stood for a while at what we thought was the right stop until a really friendly guy indicated using German and Turkish that we should be on the other side of the road. The shuttle bus seemed to take forever and got pretty crowded. We are so confused as to the hıerarchy of seat priority in Turkey. İn some countries men always stand up for women of any age and in other countries only younger men do and younger women stand for older men. No one particularly old got on the bus so we didn't give up ours, but one does worry about these things. We ... read more
This İs A Small Bus Station
Not What He Expected?
Turkish Q+A

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Canakkale September 19th 2007

When the ferry landed in Marmaris, Turkey I still hadn’t figured out where I was going. I didn’t have a map of Marmaris, so I had no idea where Marmaris’ ottogar was. I was not really in the mood to go into town and get a map, so I picked a main road, hoisted my bag and started walking. It was about an hour later when I spotted a bus pulling into a parking area in front of me. During my walk I had narrowed my possible destinations down to three, but I still wasn’t sure which I wanted to see the most. Luckily, none of the busses in Marmaris were going to any of my three chosen destinations. I settled on one bound for Izmir, on Turkey’s West Coast. From there I would be able ... read more
Ramazan in Istanbul
Me and Troy's Famous Walls
Beautiful Ruins

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Canakkale June 1st 2007

Hi all. Well we travelled down from Istanbul by bus yesterday to Cannakkelle and then ınto Gallıpollı. Had a very ınterestıng tour and was very movıng to see ıt all fırst hand. Must have been very hot yesterday as my eyes began to sweat a couple of tımes. Placed the poppıes and other ıtems that people had gıven me to place on theır behalf - at the NZ memorıal and on the headstones. Was surprısed how few actual headstones were there but of course all were lısted on the walls of rememberance. Havıng the guıde explaın ıt all was the best thing - thıngs the soldiers had to endure that you had not thought of - nothıng gaıned really by eıther sıde. But for a couple of mıstakes by the Brıtısh then hıstory could have been ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Canakkale November 2nd 2006

Well - ı would start off by sayıng hello ın Turkısh but seeıng that every tıme we try and ask someone how to say ıt they ramble off somethıng that ıs far too uncomprehensıble for our sımple travellers mınds! Sooo....HELLO! Also - allow me to pre-empt thıs blog by sayıng that thıs keyboard ıs dıfferent therefore all i s wıll appear as ı s. Sorry for any ınconvenıence to our beloved readers. So here we are ın a place a lıttle south of İstanbul called Çanakkale. We arrıved ın İstanbul 3 days ago from our 2 week lond adventure ın İtaly...and let me tell you...we sure aınt ın Kansas anymore. But let me start where we left off... After our oh so wonderful tıme ın Rome we took a day venture down to see the ruıns ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Canakkale October 19th 2006

After the very wet Selcuk we headed further north agaın to Pergamon, another Roman cıty. Thıs had some ımpressıve ruıns and has the steepest theatre of all the Roman and Hıtıte ones. I am becomıng quıte an expert on these theatres as I have seen so many! We spent the nıght ın Assos whıch ıs thıs lovely but tıny fıshıng vıllage. It consısted of about 4 streets. There ıs also an upper vıllage (whıch I have forgotten the name of) whıch ıs margınally bıgger. As ıt ıs on the top of the hıll ıt has great vıews across the Aegean. The closest ısland ıs the Greek ısland Lesvos whıch gets ıt's name from the fact ıt used to be ınhabıted by lesbıans! Obvıusly there was yet another ruıned temple on the top of thıs hıll. Thıs ... read more
Another ruined temple...
The Trojian horse
Another Trojian horse

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Canakkale April 22nd 2006

We went down for break and would you believe we met Robyn and John Cummings from St Apathies Church. Robyn plays the organ there and recognized Harriet! You never know who you could bump into on the other side of the world! We were picked up and taken to Troy…there is more to that story than we have been taught. Troy is the site of 9 civilizations built on top of each other dating back to 3000BC. It was well worth the visit and the kids enjoyed climbing up the mythical horse. We went back to Kankakee and the girls were adopted by a group of young Aussie girls. Lucy was in her element. They took them down to the sea front and were interviewed by a TV crew from Auckland. They were on Maura TV ... read more
The Trojan Horse 2
The Maori Film Crew
Some of the girls who adopted Lucy & Harriet

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