Blogs from Israel, Middle East - page 156


Middle East » Israel » South District August 18th 2007

Well, I'm finished with all the packing. I leave tonight around 2:00 for the airport, for a 5 hour flight to Madrid, and then an 11 hour flight to Quito. My next entry should be from Quito, Ecuador. ... read more

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem August 18th 2007

Saturday, August 18 This city knows how to do Shabbat - it’s amazing how the streets which are normally bustling become so quiet on the Sabbath. In the Shabbat spirit, we also took it easy in the morning. It was nice to have some time to recharge. In the afternoon we took an optional walking tour of the Christian quarter of the old city, which was quite fascinating. We followed the path of Jesus’ last day up to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, where Jesus was crucified. Although it is not part of our heritage, the tour was very interesting and we learned a lot. Once the sun set, the city sprung to life. After dinner we roamed the many shops on Ben-Yehuda Street along with the throngs of young Israelis cruising the streets. ... read more

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem August 17th 2007

Today we made our pilgrimage to Jerusalem where we stopped first in Banias Springs, an oasis in the Golan. We enjoyed a 90 minute hike through a Garden of Eden of fresh fruit trees (figs, grapes, pomegranate, berries, etc…). Our destination was the largest waterfall in Israel (which isn’t saying much, but it still was beautiful). We then started driving our motorized camel (i.e., tour bus) south across the desert. It was incredible to see the landscape change dramatically into a barren dessert, with sand dunes as far as we could see. The only evidence of life was the occasion camel grazing on the sparse shrubs. Much of road ran just a few yards away from the Israel/Jordan border. By the way, if you ever happen to be on Rt 90 in the Sea of Galelee, ... read more

Middle East » Israel » North District » Golan August 16th 2007

Today was a day of adventure. We started with a fun and bumpy 2 hour jeep ride through the Golan Heights, basically a barren mountain range. It was particularly interesting to travel into the area that was held by the Syrians until the 6-day war in 1967. Overlooking the Israeli settlements in the green valley below, we could really understand the strategic importance of the Golan Heights, especially considering we could see Lebanon on the other side of the valley. Next we traveled to the Mystical city of Safed, one of the 4 holy cities according to tradition and the birthplace of Kabbalah.. Kabbalah is a mystical branch of Judaism (recently made famous by Madonna). We strolled through the narrow, cobblestone streets, visited two ancient synagogues, and shopped at the local artisan workshops - no Madonna ... read more

Middle East » Israel » North District » Golan August 15th 2007

After breakfast we left Tel Aviv to travel north to the ancient city of Caesarea, once the seat of Roman rule in the Middle East, built around 40 BC by Herod the Great: a Jewish king. It’s obvious that Herod had quite an ego based on the size of his port. He created a magnificent Roman city including an amphitheater, gymnasium, baths, a huge artificially protected port and a sophisticated water system that flowed from a spring 18 miles away. We even had a chance to wade through an excavated section of the underground water tunnel. We ate lunch in the quaint clean town of Zichron Ya’akov and visited the home of a Jewish 007 (a spy ring for the British in1917). We are spending the night in a hotel on Kibbutz HaGoshrim… the Catskills of ... read more

Middle East » Israel » Tel Aviv District » Tel Aviv August 14th 2007

Our tour started in earnest today and it was packed with interesting sights. The first stop was Jaffa, a 4000 year old port city. This ancient city was the major entry point into the region and is mentioned in the bible (e.g.., in the Jonah story). Now it is an artisan community with many nice shops. Unfortunately for Fran and fortunately for Tom, we didn’t have too much time to explore them. The day then centered around Israel’s statehood. The next stop was the Independence Hall where David Ben Gurion declared Israel’s independence in 1948 with three swings of the gavel. And then we moved on to the Palmach Museum - a multi-media 3-D interactive museum, depicting the lives of the Palmach underground male and female soldiers that smuggled Jewish immigrants from Europe into Israel in ... read more
Jaffa Streets

Middle East » Israel » Tel Aviv District » Tel Aviv August 13th 2007

Today was spent mostly on our own until the tour started with an introductory dinner. It was a typical steamy day (in the high 80’s with a healthy amount of humidity). We started with the “Israeli Breakfast” buffet included with our hotel room. We had heard about the amazing breakfasts in Israel, but this was truly incredible: an huge array of fresh cheeses, breads, fruit, salads, cereal, eggs, pastries, fish, and a half dozen hot dishes (blintzes, crepes, quiche, etc…). Marisa, who loves breakfast, thought she was in heaven. We then headed to the beach for some fun. The clear blue water was absolutely perfect - warm, with gentle waves. We rented a couple boogie boards and had a blast riding the surf. The only disappointment was that we didn’t want to risk staying out in ... read more

Middle East » Israel » Tel Aviv District » Tel Aviv August 12th 2007

Our flight to the Holy Land was uneventful. We arrived safe, excited, hungry and tired. Our hotel is right on the beach, our rooms looking out at the beautiful Mediterranean Sea. The weather is warm and the air smells like the sea. It is hard not to feel emotional about being in such a special place. Deb (Tom’s sister) arrived in the early evening. It was great to see her! We ended our first evening in Israel with dinner together by the sea, sampling typical Mediterranean food served by a very cute waiter….. From Deb (Tom's Sister): The flight went without a hitch. El Al reminds me of the good service provided by airlines from days gone by. It is v.exciting to be here….. especially being with Tom, Fran, Marisa, Josh. ... read more

Middle East » Israel » South District August 11th 2007

Hi All. This is just the first of (hopefully) many entries. I'm in the final stages of preparation for my big trip to South America. I will be leaving on August 19th to Quito, Ecuador, and continue from there to visit: * Ecuador * Peru * Bolivia * Chile * Argentina * Brazil I'll update this site as frequently as I can, so subscribe for updates if you want. ... read more

Middle East » Israel August 11th 2007

Hey family and friends! Sorry that this is the first entry it has been just over two weeks and it has been a whirlwind. I love it here. The University is great, though it will change dramatically come september, it is emptying out now because all of the israelis are finishing their exams and moving out so within a week it will be mainly only the overseas students ), Shay (Shy), and Sequi (seg-ee). Unlike the majority of the school and the country all three are getting their degrees before their mandatory service in the Army. They get to do this because they do not want to be fighters, they want to be engineers. A cool part of the army here is you are given a choice, so even though it is hard and a huge ... read more

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