B5 Travel Blog #1

September 13th 2013
Published: September 13th 2013
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Question: What is the current political structure/government in this country/region? Who has power, and how do those in power interact with their people?

This article talks in depth about England's political government. It summarizes some important government positions. Then, it compares it to the United States, so you are able to tell what the difference is between the two. The site also tells you where the members come from and how they're elected. I'm also informed on who is at the top and bottom of the government. Overall, it goes in detail about each part of England's government.

England has a Parliamentary Monarchy government. This means that England has a monarch that's not really involved with policies or decision makings, but cabinet does all of that. The current monarch in England is Queen Elizabeth. The prime minister, cabinet, House of Lords, and House of Commons uphold majority of political power. Mainly, just the House of Commons have most of the political power. Those in power interact with their people during elections when they vote on new members. Also, when deciding on whether to pass a bill that can affect their people. That's how the government is in England.



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