Other lessons learned plus "purposeful living" pearls of wisdom

May 17th 2009
Published: May 17th 2009
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Other lessons learned:

16. Be careful about bedbugs. I have itchy bites all over me.

17. Conductors, including the Captain Kangaroo looking conductor I dealt with earlier ( no kidding: he really looked like Captain Kangaroo) are just like McDonald's workers; they don't think sometimes.

18. Speaking of McDonald's, they are all over Europe. They are really pushing their McCafe concept over here.

19. Monte Carlo, Monaco is an extremely wealthy place. I've never seen so many Maserati's, Bentley's, Asti Martin's, and Mercedes just parked or been driven on the streets. And folks get so dressed up for a night on the town. WOW!

Puposeful Living Pearls of Wisdom:

1. We are entering a stage of life that could be called "middlescence:" Not quite old and not quite middle-aged. We are still in very productive years.

2. The main reason we want to remain engaged is not for money, but for mental stimulation and the feeling of making a contribution.

3. Booker T Washington: "There are two ways of exerting strength: one is pushing down and the other is pulling up."

4. The concept of leaving a legacy is a retirement revolution.

5. "Success to Significance" is a powerful lasting call to action.

6. How do I/you intend to use my/your life? Think about it.

7. You do not have to be wealthy to make a difference.

8. Mother Teresa: "We realize that what we are accomplishing is a drop in the ocean. But if this drop were not in the ocean, it would be missed."

9. There is probably nothing more important to your daily well-being as haviing a sense of purpose about everything you do: eat with a purpose (be mindful of what you eat; eating responsibly can literally save the oceans);read with purpose (choose items that will make you think and challenge your assumptions);travel with purpose (leave your comfort zone to help you define and understand your world); tip with purpose (it can make the difference for those who don't have).

10. Try to clear out some of life's trifles that might be clogging your agenda and make service a part of your life: an hour, a day, a week, a month.

11. Happiness is a combination of rich, personal relationships, accomplishments or personal growth of almost any kind; and activities that transcend self-indulgence and make your life have meaning.

12. Life is a blink; it's a fast ride. Make every moment count.

13. There are three basic stages of life: learn, earn, return.

14. Raise your happiness quotient: do things you enjoy more often; keep a gratitude journal;try to have an impact at work;laugh more often; do random acts of kindness and altruism; make a "gratitude visit" by wring a testimonial to someone who has had an impact on your life and reading it to them.

15. Marianne Williamson (and "Akellah and the Bee"): "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you...As we let our light shine, we unconciously give other people permission to do the same."

16. Don't be content with the relationships you already have because ther is no promise greater than the one built into a new encounter.

17. Give up expecting things from other people that they don"t want to give you. You can"t control others. But you can work hard to provide hope, peace, love, and prosperity for yourself.

18. True friendship provides fulfillment in affection, romance, brotherhood, protection, guidance, intimacy, playing a role in someone's life, feeling loved, feeling good about yourselfn and having a support group.


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