London and back home to the winter wonderland...

December 21st 2008
Published: December 23rd 2008
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Well, the traveling the world part of my life is done for now…

I sit here in the London Heathrow airport and think of all of the places I have been, and all of the things I have done in these last 3+ months. I have climbed the largest gorge in Europe, hiked a volcano, seen a collaboration of ancient ruins, seen a show in London, and been inside some of the world’s finest museums. Life is good, and I have two very special people to thank for these wonderful opportunities…my parents. Without their support, NONE of these experiences would have been possible.
After another short 2 day trip to London, I already miss the 30 people that I experienced these events with. At our goodbye dinner, we went around and shared funny stories, told Mike and Jane stories that they didn’t know (and probably still shouldn’t…), and reminisced about our 3 months. It was a really nice end to the program.

Our last day in Rome, my roommates and I cleaned, packed, went out to dinner at our fabulous neighborhood restaurant, got one last gelato, and had others over to watch Love Actually. It was a perfect last day.

To be honest, I am already experiencing culture shock here in London. I don’t really know how to feel, so I apologize if I may not be the easiest person to live with while I am transitioning back into life at home. I miss people, miss Rome, and miss being able to do all of the spontaneous things I have been able to do these last 3 and a half months.

(I wrote that while waiting to come home)

Now I am home! I have been home now for a few days, and have adjusted fairly well. Besides a wacky sleep schedule due to jet lag and sickness, it is nice to be home for the holidays.

Overall, if anyone is considering studying abroad, or is able to have the opportunity, I say GO FOR IT! It was the best few months of my life thus far; I learned so, so much (and not just in the classroom).
Happy Holidays to everyone!!! Thanks for reading my blog, and I look forward to hearing about everyone else’s last few months. I really feel out of the loop!


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