Causes of snoring

December 31st 2018
Published: December 31st 2018
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Snoring is normal, it is something that everyone does experience occasionally. However, regular snoring should raise eyebrows. First, it interrupts the sleep quality which culminates into increased health problems, irritability and daytime fatigue. If you are looking for breath right strips sleep apnea then you are at right place .

In case your snoring is disrupting your partner’s time, then be sure you will have a relationship problem. But there is a way you can combat this torment. The easiest solution is that you resort to sleeping in separate bedrooms

It is the simplest of all snoring solutions. Undergoing a snoring surge!)' Is an approach you can adopt to combat Snoring But first, let's look at the causes of snoring.


Usually, it comes about when you find it difficult to move air through your nose and throat freely while sleeping. The nearby tissues vibrate and thus emanating a snoring sound.

It is believed that snoring people have a lot of nasal and throat tissue, which is bound to vibrate. Also, your tongue position has a tendency of jeopardizing smooth breathing hence causing snoring

It is evident that various people have different reasons rather causes to snoring Therefore, it is better if you studied the usual causes of snoring This is a significant approach towards combating this humiliating regular snoring

In return, you get uninterrupted quality sleep together with your spouse. So, what are these common causes?


Men are believed to have narrower airways than women, as a result, men are bound to snore more often than women. Enlarged adenoids, cleft palate, narrow throat and other physical characteristics which leads to snoring are hereditary.

With the right throat exercises, bedtime routines, and lifestyle changes you will easily deal with snoring

Medications, smoking and Alcohol

Smoking, drinking alcohol and some medications for instance tranquilizers such as diazepam and Lorazepam makes the muscles more relaxed leading to snoring

Sleep posture

Your sleep position might also be a great contributor to snoring For instance, sleeping flat specifically on your back will make your throat tissues relax, blocking your air passages.

Sinus and nasal problems

Your stuffy nose or blocked air passes will tend to impose difficulties to your inhalation. A vacuum will be created in your throat, causing snoring


Abnormal muscle tone and fatty tissues are a great contributor to snoring normally, the unwarranted weight is situated near your throat or your neck which are crucial to causing snoring


In your middle age, you tend to have a narrower throat with a decreasing throat muscle tone. This should make snoring obvious. However, change of lifestyle, exercising, and bedtime routines will eradicate instances of snoring


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