a lovely 3 day weekend with friends in england

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July 5th 2010
Published: July 5th 2010
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so for the past 3 days weve been visitng our now good friends vicki and gerlad matthews in hindon england..(its close to bath and stonehenge basically)

so weve been really enjoying their company.

these 2 wonderful people opened their doors and whole world to us for these days..amazing english breakfasts ...huge affiars with giant yummy buttery toast, sausage, beans and roasted mushrooms and toamtoes, tea and coffee.......followed by them driving us all over england basically..seeing the sights...they even had a friiend get us a free pass to all english heritage sites! free stonehenge..free castle ruins (cant remember the naem just yet..they are right by hindon tho) bath....and best of all....we went to their community club they belong to...met everyone in the most levely picturesque little village you could ever hope for. met all the wonderful people.....played skittles there (its duckin bowling with the central pin larger than the others) excellent game..invented by the vikings i learned!! (doesnt bowling just seem totally viking?? so cool...

met her sister and her family....amazing huge dinners with fresh veg straight out of geralds awesome garden....deliscious potatoes andbroccoli..roasts with gravy and yorkshire pudding....

letting us do all our laundry adn giving us the most comfortable beds to sleep so well in.....buying us rounds at eh pubs everywhere we went...such amazing wonderful people ....we are so lucky to have met them....i think they are going to get a great big package as soon as we can afford it.

saw so many wonderful things..they even helped us get the best price for a ticket to get to the ferry to dublin...not only thta...but where to go for teh ferry...where to stay..how to get there..they really took such good care of us.

in the inbetween times..we talked up a storm about the differences between our two countries......and i was going to write up a huge scathing indictment of the american health care system....and how we do things in american but i decided im just too tired...so i will just try and sum up

i know some people agree and other disagree..as with most things....but i can at least say that i have talked with more than 4 people in england about how they feel about their country and how they feel about their healthcare system..how it works..and how much they pay for it......

and let me just say that these wonderful peopel who do not make a lot of money...completely middle class working people who are comfortable...but by no means rich...like me and a lot of us in the u.s.........are living better than the "greatest country on earth" (what crap)

look basically....they pay 40 pounds a month....and another 90 pounds a year for prescriptions...and thats it.....THATS IT!!! and everyhting is paid for...AND YES......THE DOCTORS ARE GOOD....the surgeries are wonderful...the care is exceptional..and the news reports of the english pulling their own teeth out at home is utter BOLLOCKS!! COMPLETE BULLSHIT!!

told to the american poeple by (what i can only guess) as fabricated stories to scare the american people into not wanting socialized medicine.....because the republicans and insurance companies would be out of their multi billion dollar jobs and golden parachutes....

the rest of the world cant beleive the richest (supposedly) NATION IN THE WORLD .....has substandard care...old peopel have to choose between their medicine and food every month...and that we dont take care of each other

serriously....our friends who have a child with cancer...SHOULD NEVER HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT HOW TO TAKE CARE OF HIM!! and then when he grows up....he shoudl never have to worry about if he will be covered..because of preexisting conditions....

the american people have been LIED TO....USED...ABUSED....AND WE ARE LIKE PIGGY BANKS FOR THE INSURANCE COMPANIES!!! its enough.......its time to listne to obama.....and do the decent thing....get everyone covered!!! let no one in this day and age have to worry for their health!!!!!

i am convinved....and i am deeply saddened for my counrty adn the people who live in it....the republicans..HAVE LIED TO YOU!! we need a compassionate society..not a corupt governement.....really people..its time we woke up.

ok sorry....but seriosuly....SERIOUSLY PEOPLE....it makes me so sad......

anyway.....after an easy train ride to the ferry (at holyhead in wales) we missed the ferry....of course...next one....in 5 hours..at 2am....sigh

at least we got a great price to dublin....booked the paddywagon hostles....(2 nights booked and that gets us a free tour to killarney..reviews say its awesome) so we will get in late....but we can stay another night to rest up....tour day after tomorrow...then do some touring on our own....only 7 days left (about) cant wait for ireland......cant wait for pubs with irish music in em..cant wait for more ruins and great scenery....but also cant wait to get home....see our friends....so much to do.....at least we are refreshed...clean....well fed...and have a renewed interest in downloading (sorry buying *cough*) spitting image....the show with the puppets in britian that make fun of everyone adn everything.......sweeet


5th July 2010

the idea that they have to wait is also bullshit..serious illness..you go to the head of the line....and ambulance gets you to the head of the line.....its just a load of bs if they say anything bad about the healthcare in britans......old people get to ride free on all buses and trains!!!! and the healthcare is extended to everywhere in europe as well...if yoru sick on holiday..no worries.......seriosuly.

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