Glasgow West End

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February 6th 2011
Published: February 10th 2011
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Sorry I keep apologizing for not updating as often as I should.....but now that I am going to be traveling regularly over the next several months, there will be a lot to report 😊 And...i am finally getting my camera cord tomorrow!

Right before I headed out for my weekend adventure I heard a bunch of drums and flutes and sounds coming from the street below my apt. I quickly rushed outside and found a huge parade going down the street and it was really loud and awesome to see all the different bands passing in front of me. right after that I headed to find the subway station to take a quick ride into the West End of Glasgow. I visited the Glasgow University and the Kelvingrove museum which are both just amazing. The walk around the city was very beautiful and the architecture on the university and museum are just breathtaking. I spent about 4 hours walking around and then settled into a nice French cafe to have some Italian Tomato soup and a bit of a sandwich.

The weather has been really cold and rainy most every day. I am looking forward to seeing the sun shine a bit hopefully soon.

Next trip is to Dublin Friday - Sunday, then leave for Germany Monday - Wednesday.....then HOME on Friday 😊 Can't wait to get back and see my babies, Jon & all my friends! It will have been 5 weeks straight since I have seen everyone...which has been hard, especially because there are important and also difficult things going on in lives of people I love and care about dearly. I will be home before everyone knows it and can't wait to see you all.

Bye for now...more Sunday when I get back from Dublin!!!


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