Bik Ride Scotland

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April 19th 2023
Published: April 19th 2023
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A sunny but extremely windy day .
From Oban to Acharacle/Mingary 90 km (56miles)
Today began with an early ferry ride from Oban to Craignure, island of Mull, followed by a bike tide of some 35 km before coming to another ferry this time from Tobermory to Kilchoan. Scottish names sound complicated when written in the way we pronounce them. Written in gaellic the names become unpronounceable. All names of town and villages come in both versions. The Scottish language for english speakers is impossible to follow.
After leaving the ferry the road took us through beautiful empty land, with, with exception of many sheep and young lams, very few signs of live. Few houses and villages. Roads in general are one lanes ones with regular passing zones.
The wind on the islands are brutal and, as it seems, always against so much so that even going down you have to peddle otherwise you would come to a virtual standstill. There are hardly flat roads, all go up and down.
Today as has happened on other days, we made a routing mistake that cost us about 10 km to correct. I hear your question, how come you make these mistakes over and over. The answer is that we (i.e. Jaap and Jan Willem, I don’t get involved in routing decisions) use different websites to get from A to B and it is not always clear what the condition of the road could be. Thinking to take a shorter route, we ended up on a impossibly to follow path and had to bike back.
Today we took all the precautions of maintaining battery power and nobody ran out of power at any time.
Tonight we are staying at a very nice hotel where food was very good.

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