Blogs from Belfast, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, Europe - page 20


15 de Abril de 2008, 7.37 da manhazinha (fresca, fresca), Estação de Coimbra B, à espera do “Alfa Pendular 121 - 10 minutos de atraso” Bem, cá estou. Nunca pensei que houvesse tanta gente acordada antes das 7 da manhã (gente com ar de operário, que olhavam com inveja e/ou desprezo para a minha enorme mochila de 10 quilos, cheia de comidinha portuguesa meat free para a Sónia). Afinal, há desconto de Cartão Jovem para o Alfa Pendular. E eu que passei a semana a insultar os bons senhores da CP. 1.50 em 15 euros, dá quase para comprar uma casa. Ou um Jaguar. Num país muito, muito pobre. Ou, pensando bem, nos Estados Unidos, daqui a uns mesitos. O que importa é que criei um mito urbano, involuntariamente. Tornei-me parte da lenda. E ainda não ... read more
A minha sombra no Aeroporto de Dublin
Verde e plana, verde e plana...

yes, yes, yes....we didn't update like we said we were going to, but really we were just having too much fun and seeing too many things to be bothered with finding an internet cafe. It has been 11 days and oh how much we have seen. Just firstly, Ireland is amazing. If you are ever going to go anywhere in Europe, make it here! You must, however, rent a car like we did. Otherwise you won't see hardly anything. Aside from that we will mostly just run down the list of things we have seen with a little commentary. The rest of Dublin: We hiked along the cliffs in the Howth Peninsula (and got kinda lost, but ended up in the right-ish place). We saw Malahide Castle, Tara's Childrens Palace (where they have the oldest known ... read more

Luckily, I could sleep a bit this morning because my first train wasn't until 9:33 am. I got up at 8:30, took a quick shower and was on my way. Walking to the train station I ran into someone I knew! What are the odds?!? Especially since at 9 am this city is still asleep. It was Basel, who we'd last left in Perth. I stopped for a second to say hi and meet his friend Wendy and was on my way. The train ride to Glasgow was a strange one. There were a lot of older, louder people on it and I was just irritated. When I walked into the coach the place got quiet. Strange, maybe their not used to seeing young people. I had no choice to where I sat though because this ... read more

Here I am, starting a travel journal, about a month after the journey ended. *sigh* Let's see if I can work this out...... read more

After a Ferris wheel ride high above city center, we decided to take a 1-1/2 hour Belfast city tour on a double-decker bus. After an afternoon of doing laundry and drinking hot chocolate, we decide to drive out of Belfast to see Lough Neagh, the largest lake in Ireland. We then drove down the coast back into Belfast. ... read more
View from the Wheel
City Hall Belfast
Wall Murals in Belfast

We drove about 2-1/2 hours to Belfast. We spend three hours touring the Transportation and Folk Museum, which one tour book said were “two of the finest” museums in Ireland. We drove into Belfast City and checked into the B&B. ... read more
Ulster Museum
Phone Booth at Museum
Back to the Future

I've just spent the weekend with brother Doug showing him the limited sights of Belfast... read more
He couldn't handle his whisky
Us at Bushmills Distillery
At the causeway

I'm finally out of Galway. Weirdly, it was very hard to leave. I had this sad little goodbye on a rainy day. Before the goodbye though.... On Thursday I met a girl from Toronto named Agnes who was living/traveling in Asia for over a year. She was now doing three months of Europe before returning home. We decided to do a bus tour of Connemera. Because I'm like a POWER theatre nerd, I just wanted to go because the tour stopped in Leenane (the place of the Martin McDonagh trilogy). The town itself is small and right on the water in the moutains. It's beautiful, but on a rainy day you can easily see where he pulled all that "coldness" from when he was writing them. I couldn't stop myself from thinking, "is that Maureen's house?!". ... read more

Catching up on a blog we didn't get around to a few weeks ago now. Good place. They say pictures say a 1000 words so there's no need for us to ramble on. Stay tuned for the next episode of "Dave and Zoe's Adventures".... read more
Belfast itself
View from the Castle
This is how you walk down a hill

Last weekend five of the american girls and me went on a couple of tours up to northern ireland, into belfast and over to the giants causeway. we had to be in dublin by 8 am, which meant leaving where we were at six thirty because the train comes seldom that early on a saturday. we get on the tour bus and get going. ireland is incredibly small, and it probably doesnt take five hours to drivefrom the northernmost tip to the southernmost one. On the way there, we stopped and saw St. Peter's church, a fairly famous church where St. Oliver Plunkett's head rests (seriously, its just his head, and its sitting out for people to see.) We then went to an ancient Celtic graveyard with these HUGE Celtic crosses. Some were more than two ... read more
Gaint's Causeway
St. Peter's Church

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