Nursery Rhymes

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October 25th 2012
Published: October 29th 2012
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To 2KW

In England I caught a canal boat to Warwick Castle. The canal boat was very, VERY long. It had a TV, curtains on the windows and heaters. When we arrived at Warwick Castle, three days later, we went up the towers, they were very high. My brother got a bit scared. The next thing we did was get lunch. I got hot chips and yogurt, it was delicious. Then we did the dungeon tour. There were Monks, Torturers, Judgment people and people with the plague. It even had a mirror maze. The dungeon tour was scary.


The Rhyme;

‘Ring a ring of roes,

A pocket full of posies,

Atishoo, Atishoo

We all fall down.

Is about the symptoms of the black death. sneezing was an early symptoms of disease.


Eliza's Mum's note - we are learning about where a lot of our nursery rhymes have come from. We are currently staying at Banbury which has a cross (monument) which is the place where the nursery rhyme below comes from.

"Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross to find a fine lady upon a fine horse

She wore rings on her fingers and bells on her toes

And she shall have music wherever she goes"


29th October 2012

Warwick Castle
Was the canal boat lots of fun Eliza? Hot chips and yogurt... together? That sounds a bit funny! Did any princesses live in Warwick Castle?
29th October 2012

Dungeon Tour
The dungeon tour sounds scary! England must be such a contrast to Hong Kong, especially when going from Disney Land to a dungeon. It sounds like you are learning a lot. Did they teach you the meaning of "Little Miss Muffet"? That was always my favourite nursery rhyme. I'll have to try hot chips and yoghurt - that sounds like just the thing I'd like! Keep on posting - it is fun to hear about your trip. Love, Kerensa
2nd November 2012

We researched Warwick Castle and were amazed to discover how old it is. Thanks for teaching us about the history of Nusery Rhymes. Hope you keep on enjoying your trip. From 2KW, Miss Kauter and Miss Wong

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