Laptop Rescue

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June 13th 2006
Published: June 28th 2006
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Not an inspiring day ! Set off in poor humour because of the l-t accident.
Made my way to Bishop Auckland - home of the chosen IT shop. Reached BA quite early then drove round in ever decreasing circles looking for shop. Asked local for directions to Victoria Avenue. No idea. Second local provided accurate directions. Arrived to find cheery notice in window say something to the effect 'we have moved' ! Fortunately that was just round the corner in the main street. Could not find shop so saw couple of yokels, opened window and bellowed out request for assistance. As fate would have it one of the said gentlemen was the proprietor of shop I was searching for.

Abandoned l-t to its fate with owner 'tut-tuting'. Remainder of the morning and indeed much of the day meandered over the eastern half of the county. Only place visited of note was Finchale Priory in a delightful location alongside the river Wear. It was closed but was sufficiently 'open' to allow photos of relevant parts. This is somewhere that I did visit in my student days.

Made way back to campsite .... not one of the more inspiring days. Tomorrow will probably be one of the more expensive ..


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