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June 12th 2006
Published: June 28th 2006
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Weather report

Gloomy overcast start with threat of thunderstorms later. The latter did not materialise and the day remained dry with the latter part being sunny.

Most of the day was spent crossing the moors in both directions between Weardale and Teesdale and then investigating the eastern margins of the dales region. The roads across the moors were attractive although not on the scale of the Yorkshire moorland crossings. I did manage to find some really remote gated roads - for the uninitiated that means every few hundred yards you have to stop, open a gate, get back in and drive through, stop and shut said gate. All this of course to prevent livestock straying. Somebody should invent the cattle grid. Anyway it discourages visitors which makes for some interesting travelling. Probably would not be a good idea to break-down. Imagine trying to explain to RAC control where you are. Third cow on right, second sheep on the left next to the lapwing nest.

This cheerful day was to have a disastrous end. Laptop was sitting on table happily receiving files from camera when I fell over a rabbit and knocked the table which capsized throwing said l-top to the ground. L-t switched itself off in a huff and refused to reboot other than to pass some mysterious comments and make some expensive sounding noises. Oh dear !

Nature of this trip is that something or other is likely to be lost / broken or stolen so that's it I guess. Spent some time looking through campsite 'phone book and believe I have found a shop in nearby Bishop Auckland which carries out repairs. Hope springs eternal.


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