Day 2 Shopping on Oxford St

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July 5th 2009
Published: July 5th 2009
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I forgot to take pictures today! Oh well. Today we went shopping in Oxford St and went into an expensive clothes department store, which I can't remember the name of, but the dresses were around the 250 pound mark which was very ridiculous. I had fun helping Annie choose a dress for a wedding, although she came home empty handed in the end.

I also bought some tourist tack for friends, and a new Singstar mic (which was a gift from Annie) cause one of them must have broken on the journey over. But the best purchase of the day was some badges with punk slogans on them which I immediately attached to my satchel. The whole thing is a bit of a sad pay out really!

I met some more of Annie's lovely friends and had lunch with them. We spent the afternoon watching the tennis on TV. Wasn't it a long game? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

But to be honest I feel quite bluesy today. I think I must miss home. And maybe jet lag isn't quite done with me yet.

Annie has gone to her church tonight which I have decided to skip in favour of listening to my ipod, and slothing around in my PJs!


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