Is this the end of this travelblog?

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November 10th 2008
Published: November 21st 2008
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I'm back in the UK, I'm job-hunting! This blog (all 244 entries!) has become a bit of an effort, and as I'm only expecting to travel around sporadically now, I think I'll draw it to a healthy close... there's always the option of adding a few extra entries, or coming back and writing those "Best of the Month" entries I'd originally planned... the travelling itself kinda got in the way of that!

10th November
Today I had an all-day interview in Leamington Spa as Communications and Web Officer for CPAS. Great company, great product, great place to live. Unfortunately I was not the first choice, but the second, but was given lots of positive feedback, and was encouraged to continue in looking for these kind of roles.

It is likely that I will spend a couple of weeks getting everything together at my parents, checking out the 'serious' jobs, before heading back to Winchester to temp, as I will have to sign up for Jobseekers Allowance, and who knows how soon I'll be 'forced' into ANY work! My CV is on in case you hear of any interesting opportunities!

I still need to finish off the remaining 40 entries for this travelblog (they've all been 'quietly published' as there's no content on them yet), but earning some money unfortunately has to take priority, so let's just hope I can remember some details when I come to write them up (maybe Christmas). The photos are all sitting snugly on my computer ready to go on here, and on Facebook.

21st November
Check out my new blog: or any of my other websites on

May 2009
OK, the pictures have gone up, but not the text yet! Been working as an Associate Lecturer at the University of Winchester, but current contracts are ending, and not yet confirmed what's next! Who knows, but looks likely to be something academic in the field of history/media!


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