Tourblog #2 ‘Though Bob’s Eyes'

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September 27th 2020
Published: September 15th 2020
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As we are now a bit further into ‘The Impossible Tour’, things are starting to get more familiar; the amount of travelling, dragging all our equipment everywhere and (especially) living in a campervan together with 6 (sometimes even 7) other people. Before the tour started I have to admit that I was a bit sceptical about all this, besides the ridiculous adventure itself, which we were embarking on. Now we are underway I have to admit that me being sceptical was very unnecessary, as it all seems to work out just fine. This mostly has to do with the people and to be honest; we only have remarkable people in our team. First of all I’m talking about the lads from the band itself, but especially our wicked crew deserves a massive shoutout. To start with our roadmanager Phoebe White, who is the mastermind behind all the planning that has to be done, as well as taking care of us and our stuff, hence why the nickname ‘tourmum’. Then we have our hypeman Nicole Ormerod, a.k.a. ‘Mad Ralph’, who makes sure that every single person in every town we hit will know that we are there (and she even speaks fluent ‘Drunk’!). Last, but not least, another remarkable person who joined our team quite recently: Vienna Zofia. Vienna takes care of all our social media content and also makes our tour documentary at the same time (to be released after the tour ends). This dreamteam is turning into a solid functioning machine, but at the same time it also starts to feel like a second family to me! At this moment we are heading towards Wales, to spend a few days in Cardiff and see what’s going on over there. We just drove from Bristol, where we played two gigs and had an absolute blast. I’m curious what Cardiff and surroundings have to offer and will definitely tell more about that in my next blog! So thank you for your persistence with reading all this and till the next one! XB


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