Wet Monday

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May 22nd 2006
Published: May 26th 2006
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….. and so it proved.
Chilly night under clear skies. Cloud built up while breakfasting and by 7AM the rain had set in. Proper rain ‘like wot we used to ‘ave’. Cold, wet and windy. Abandoned plans and stayed intent writing up my landscape notes from Lincolnshire - a sensible use of time.

Late morning short drive in torrential rain to shopping centre on edge of York. Rain so heavy to see where going. Roads flooded in parts. Hasty retreat to campsite beginning to look like a lake. Reminded me of that storm in Milan in 1970 when I woke to find myself literally floating around the tent.

Rain eventually stopped about 7PM. Forecast for the morning not too bad but showers developing later - could be along week.

These blogs will continue to be irregular. Problem is finding either a telephone connection into which I can plug my laptop or a PC into which I can plug the memory stick that I purchased today. (NB MS = cig lighter sized object that you insert into USB socket of PC or laptop. Can save files to it and then plug the stick into another PC.) So in theory I save onto the ‘stick’ and then go into library or internet café and hope that they will allow me to plug into their PC.

The only other option is to type the blog directly onto a public lib PC and upload to web - but that will be without photos.

Watch this space !


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