Tower of London

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July 7th 2006
Published: July 7th 2006
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First day sightseeing and no where near enough time in the day. Got on a double decker red tour bus and got driven around the city. Highlights were catching the end of the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace and the guided tour around the Tower of London. The 'Beefeater' Neil was very entertaining along with informative. Had the chance to walk around the whole area over looking Tower Bridge. Saw the crown jewels - very clever they have a travelator by the jewels so that you can't stand around for too long. Amazing history and the buildings fanstastic - also had great exhibition on Guy Fawkes. Also had a brief wander through Piccadilly Circus - might explore that agian tomoorrow.

Interesting when I woke up this morning and turned on the t.v the commemorations for the 7/7 bombings were happening. I am staying in Russell Square so some of the roads had been cut off. Was interesting to see the King's Cross Station as I was walking past there yesterday.

Down side of the day was my camera not working just after visiting Buckingham Palace - tomorrow's job is to figure out how to fix it or buy a new one. Not impressed but those are the breaks.

Have settled into local time now, after going through the longest Wednesday of my life - every time I put my watch back it went to Wednesday!

Met room mate for the next two days, she is from Brisbane. She has gone to France for the night so I have the room to myself. Contiki starts on Sunday London time. May not make it up in time for the rugby in the morning as soccer is the main area of interest around here at the moment, and am liking the idea of another sleep in in the morning.

The London weather has been playing up, some rain but still warm. As someone said today you can't get through a Wimbledom fortnight without a little rain. Only too true.

Anyway having a great time - looking forward to meeting some more people on the tour. Pass this link onto anyone else that you think may be interested. Bye for now.


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