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October 10th 2007
Published: October 10th 2007
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I went and saw the musical Wicked - The untold story of the two witches from the movie the Wizard of Oz. What a great musical. It was incredible, funny, witty and great numbers. I sat next to two Americans from San Fran and three Americans from Los Angeles - it was the row of California. Geeze, I leave Cali. just so I can sit next to Californians!! Great seats tho, 5 rows back centre stage. I wish I would have brought my camera. There were some good opportunities for pictures and well, I left the cam at home. I will know better next time around. Read more and see the neat intro to Wicked at http://www.wickedthemusical.co.uk/

Off to the tower of London today and London Dungeon! Muahhhh! Also I am going to go to the Churchill War Museum and the Britain Under Attached Museum. I am going to try and get cultured.

I am happy to say I got up early today; 8:30 a.m. thank you!


12th October 2007

Hey Mike! Sounds like you are having a blast over in jolly old London. If you are in the mood to see another show, I highly recommend the Lord of the Rings theater production - so nerdy I know, but it was actually really cool! I just saw it when I was over there last month. Thanks for doing this blog, it's fun to read about what you're up to!

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