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August 6th 2009
Published: August 6th 2009
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Hi everyone,

Hope everything is going well and you have had a chance to enjoy this fantastic summer.
This post is going to be more about what I am thinking right now. No trip or any travel.
I am sure everyone has had a lot of challenges in his/her life. This is a real truth and I do not believe that someone could say he/she never has faced any critical time or challenge in his/her life. One (including me) could right away ask why human being is created in a way that should go thoough hard times? Is it fair?
I do not have any instant answer to that. If you are a religous person, probably you could come up with the idea that Lord/God is always examining us as human beings to help us know ourselves better.
However, as an engineer and always seeking the practical solutions and outcomes of events, I could ask what benefits these hard times could potentially bring us?
I would still go with what was discussed above. Maybe the most important point about those times is realizing some sides and potentials about ourselves. They could even be hidden to us until a completely different situation occurs.
I also shows how wise, alert, quick, efficient, genuine, and mature our reactions and decision are.
One other important benefit that we can get is to realize how important his/her current situation is. This would happen when one looses (temporarily or permanently) and valuable thing or person. Sad but true, the only real time that one realizes how important a friend, family member or relative is to him/her is when he/she looses them. That is the starting point of critical thinkin about all the positive points about that person.
The same rule also applies to the other things in our lives. A position at the university, the city one is living in, the friends someone has in his/her life, the facilities one has access to for free or even cheap price are all the examples of what mentioned. I am sure you can add a big list to this.
Another important benefit of those critical times is knowing and understanding the role of your "friends" and friends in your life.
Again sad but true, not all the people-"friends"- around you are attached to you as who you are. The reasons that those people claim that they are your true friends has a wide spectrum. That could start from really simple benefits they get from you to crazy expectations from you. The great benefit that those times have is the their nature. In common and by nature, almost all those times makes the people to express their thoughts and judgements in a more distinct way. More like a YES/NO situation rather than MAYBE. Considering this, almost all the people when forced to express and sharp answer, they will usually stick with their deep fundamental believe system. I do not exactly know why. But that how it looks to me.
So, in such sitautions, it is not a problem at all to lean back and rely on a close person, family member or friend. That is the one time that you will recover your energy and more importantly, you figure out how reliable, trustworthy and caring your true friends are to you.

I have been given all good and bad news all the time. Specially for the past year in my life. Maybe it is me that somehow likes to be challenged and get a lot of feedback about myself. To find the answers and all the other things.
Just in 2 weeks, I came from a point of relief regarding my visa back to US to the point of uncertainty. And again I have to wait!
When I was informed that my visa was not ready yet (in spite of the fact that I was informed earlier that it had been ready!), I had quite an interesting experience. That was a perfect example for one of those critical moments. All the "what if" thoughts flooded me within minutes!
I am glad that only 4 hours was the time that I was really nervous and stressed out.
Leaving the office early, swimming for an hour, going home and chatting with a good friend-who helped me a lot to calm down by saying some positive and hopeful words- and reading an article in google about "worry" were the things that completely changed me and my day. I am really happy with how I handled it, not an easy task at all. I hope I could use the same experience in a lot of future challenges too. And I will. Thanks to one of my best friends with whom I talked for an hour, I felt much better in the night. That is how I really appreciate it to have such friends around me. Being available when I really need them.

Tonight, I was informed that another friend of mine lost his father. Sorry that I can not give more information. I wish I could help in anyone I was able too. But I am sure he will go through this phase and comes out of it much stronger. He is a wise and strong man. All I can say is (donno what to say here!).
One good point about hearing this news (you are saying that I am crazy! Good point in someone's father passing away) is that I realize how small my curretn worry is compare to what other people and even close friends are having. So, STOP letting fear in. Acknowledging the fear is different from letting fear control you.

Ok guys, I am going to bed now. At least I try to.
I did not want to make anyone worried or give them bad news. This was just an instant post. Hope everything is going to work out for me and everyone.



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