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Europe » Spain
September 5th 2006
Published: November 4th 2006
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We left Paris and made our way down the west coast of France towards Paris. We overnighted in Bordeaux on the way. This was one place in France I was not taken with, however we were not really given much time to enjoy all it had to offer. We also stopped in Biarritz, which I loved. It's a small place by the ocean, popular with celebs and people with money - how could you not love it!

We crossed the Spanish border and overnighted in Pamplona, the home of the famous running of the bulls. No worries about rampent toros though, we missed the run which takes place in July. The next morning we were off to Madrid, via a stop in the town of Burgos, home of Il Sid. Sadly all we did there was eat tapas (we only had about an hour!). I have to say that Madrid was not my favourite on the tour. I think experience affects how you feel about a place. Our hotel was located outside a mall with much construction happening to the road works. I also got a bad tummy from dinner that ruined our much anticipated Salsa evening. The next day provided a bit more insight to the city, but a little to late. We got a quick tour of sights like the Royal Palace, Real Madrid Stadium (for those who don't know, the home of Beckham's football team), and the statue of Don Quixote. I skipped the tour of Toledo and opted to tour the main area of Plaza Mayor and Puerta Del Sol myself. Now don't be disappointed, but that evening we took in a real bull fight. It was bit gory and I don't agree with the tradition, but I am still glad I went. There are a total of 6 "fights". The matador flits around and works up the bull. There are various other gory details, but essentially the bull is killed at the end. However, there is the occasional time when the bull is saved. We did get to see one spared - his cow friends came and took him away. Not such a happy ending for the other bulls 😞

After Madrid, we spent some time in Barcelona. We ended up staying an hour out of Barcelona in a place called Calleya. Right on the ocean. I had my first sun on a Meditarranean beach. Not as pleasant as Bermuda, the sand is more like large pebbles and the water was a bit cold, but it was early September to be fair. In the morning we had our regular initial tour of Barcelona. We spent a lot of time at the Sagrada Familia, a phenominal building by Antonio Gaudi. His vision was very abstract and modern. Although he has passed away, they are continuing to complete the building as he planned. I will go back to Barcelona one day just to see it. Also, I would like to go to Park Guell and some of his other buildings as I didn't have time to see it all. We also took in the Olympic Stadium, the Gothic Quarter, the ports, and the Columbus Column. Off on our own, we made our way down La Rambla (filled with street performers) to the food market, with the various stalls and colours. We attempted to go to the Picasso museum, but the line was too long, and the Museo de la xhocolate, but of course it was closed on Tuesdays, which was the day we were there! In the evening we took in a Flamenco show that I really enjoyed.

And that was Spain. Back to France...

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Bullfight - Happy EndingBullfight - Happy Ending
Bullfight - Happy Ending

This bull was saved and went off with his friends. I'll pass on posting pics of the ultimate ending for the other bulls.

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