SPAIN - OCT. 2019

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Europe » Spain
October 15th 2019
Saved: August 16th 2022
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It's been a long time coming but I'm finally off on another trip. Spain beckons with its tapas, vineyards and resulting wines, bull fights, flamenco dancers, fairytale cathedrals, Alhambra and out-of-this-world architectural by Gaudi. So much to see in so little time as usual.

This is an organized tour by the Tillsonburg Chamber of Commerce who offer a trip every year to some exotic part of the world. The last one i did with them was to China and I was impressed with the care taken to ensure that everything was well prepared. Not like my motorcycle or motor home trips, that's for sure.

So get ready for an onslaught of snapshots and blathering about all the fabulous sights and food experiences to come. Leaving tomorrow...

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