First Impressions, Travel Blues and Madrid

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Europe » Spain
June 15th 2019
Published: June 15th 2019
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Arriving in Madrid was on the disappointing turn that comes with most long term trips. I was sad to be in a state of tiredness and burn out because I had reached capacity.

Personal Perception:
Madrid’s culture was different in the way that it was a less a balance of the old and modern. While there were elements of the old present, modern elements were very present in the city- especially with the theatre culture. It is true that theatre can be dated back hundreds of years to another era, but the ways in which it has become an industry of its own feels very modern. I appreciated this because there was a true value of the theatre culture from the locals as well as those who are traveling to the city.

Relationally Recognized:
Like the culture of food, bullfights, soccer games and musical showings all reflected the culture’s value of sharing experiences. The entertainment culture reflected this closeness with the thousands of people in attendance at these different ranges of events. It is an opportunity to exchange a common experience through quality time - something I personally value In my own culture and I appreciate being reflected in Spanish interactions.

Social Order:

Throughout the week I struggled to justify going to the bullfight - in my heart I didn’t feel like I agreed with the practice, even though it is something that is deeply rooted in Madrid’s culture. I was uncertain and couldn’t find any reason to justify paying to view something I felt was cruel. I struggled with the he balance between the values of the culture versus my personal values. the macro patterns across cultures. In Livermore’s book, he explains that someone who is culturally competent can “discern when something should be attributed to culture, and when it’s more likely a result of something else—such as a personality conflict or power struggle (Livermore, page 67).”


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