Random Madrid

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November 2nd 2010
Published: November 2nd 2010
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Last night the Giants won the world series. I went to bed at 11 pm Madrid time cause I was tired. Lizzie woke me up at 4 am to tell me they won. It was exciting for 2 minutes. Wooooo Giants! Then I went back to bed. And this morning it sucks cause I missed the best party!!!!! I'm pretty bummed I'm not in San Francisco right now. I have the worst timing EVERRRR!!! In San Francisco when Spain wins the world cup. And then in Spain when the Giants win the World Series. Claro que si.

Happy Birthday Mama!!! Today you are 57 😊

I can't seem to escape construction. There was construction at I-House for the 12 months that I lived in that room, and then of course I come to Madrid and there is construction in our apartment complex! Aaaaah. Its in the building next to us. I pretty much wake up every morning at 9:30 am to a constant banging. I even have my ear plugs in. I would also wake up in Berkeley to it, and whenever I had my window open the sounds of construction blessed me. Here too. Aaaaahhhhhh!!!! Plus, who even wakes up before 10 am in Spain??!?!

One of the boys teams here, Real Canoe, has their morning practices at 1 pm. Ours are at 7:45 am. Whaaaat????

The park that I live next to is called parque Roma. Coincidence that I love Rome so much? I think not!

Madrilenos are all too happy to show off their English skills to us by saying hellllllo. All the time.

There is a woman that sells avocados on a street corner near our metro station. Depending on the day, she sells four or five for two euro. So cheap! And they are soooo good! She calls us sweetheart and cutie. Haha.

Remi in italian means oars. Like the ones you paddle with. In Spanish it is remos!

The other day in practice I was trying to explain a drill to one of my Spanish teammates because she didn't hear what it was. It was supposes to be with arms, ie with a defensive shot blocker. I told her abrazos and he kept looking at me really weird. She was like que??!! And I kept repeating it. Finally she was like pooh CON abrazos and I was like si. Apparently abrazos means hugs!

Today, I am attempting to make bagels. First batch, fail. I for sure killed the yeast. Second batch is looking more promising!!


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