Sangria is my new best friend

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Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona
July 18th 2006
Published: July 18th 2006
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okay sorry about the last message it was sort of rough but now i have more time to just chat. i´ll have to update more often so that i don´t have to write heaps everytime. so i just rushed by all my france adventures but i can take more time telling you about spain since i just got here yesterday but first i´ll let you know about my travel partners. our tour group is PACKED with aussies and kiwi´s. out of 35 people only 5 are canadians, 2 are americans and 1 is from japan and the other from south korea but the rest are kiwis and aussies. there awesome though. my good aussies friends all packed with them this spread called vegimate which they gave me a chance to try on a peice of bread one morning. it´s like a black paste that taste like salt. apparently they all love it but to me it was less then appealing but they did redeem themselves this morning when they convinced me to put lemon juice and sugar on my pancakes. they turned out awesome. Well moving on to Barcelona.......
yesterday we made a huge 8 hour bus ride to barcelona stopping on the way to see the pont du gard. it´s been crazy hot the last few days but spain has solved that problem with a fantastic drink called sangria. we have been drinking it everywhere for two reasons. first it´s taste ridiculously good and second of all it is dirt cheap. But having such a long bus ride caused us to come to spain fairly late so we once again sat around drinking at the camp site meeting other contiki groups that crossed our path. Today we went into town early and our tour guide did a quick lap around all the important areas and gave us a bit of a history lesson so we knew what was worth seeing. We all agreed that we would start at gaudi´s famous church. i don´t even know if i could explain what it looked like to you. There is soooo much detail it´s hard where to start so basically i´m not going to. you´ll have to wait and see the pictures but it was fantastic. We walked down the famous Barcelona street called le rambas and saw some bizzare things. street preformers playing instruments, dancing, singing, dressed as weird characters and some peopple were even selling monkeys!!!! We then carried on to a famous market place that had a few tapas bars in it. Tapas for anyone who doesn´t know are small portions of food that you share with the whole table. we had a seafood assortment with octopus, clams, oysters, prawns and squuid AND of course it was washed down by my new best friend sangria. There was ridiculous sales everywhere too. stores that charged 3€ for everything in the store (that´s 4.50 canadian) and leather that was amazingly priced and the quality was really good. i unfortunatley had forgotten my wallet back at the camp site today so i went home with no shopping bags in my hands. We finished off the day with a trip into town to see a flaminco dancing show. it was really good and we got to eat tapas and drink sangria again while watching. they did an hour and a half show and at the end they called up an audience member to join them. i of course being one of the only ones that doesn´t want to go up gets called up. i had to copy the male dancer in front of everyone and i failed miserably but it was still a riot. From there we went to a bar right on the beach to hang out for a while but i came home with a couple others after about two hours so we could do some laundry. my towels stinkk..... Tomorrow we are heading back into france to hit up monaco, nice and cannes. maybe i´ll strike at rich at the monte carlo casino. WISH ME LUCK


19th July 2006

uncle mike
I feel great relief that you are not dying of thirst apparently. Have the time of your life sweetie. Love, Uncle Mike and Aunt Donna

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